Saturday, January 8, 2011

jardin de curé

Since this is the time for good intentions, I have started thinking with the very best intentions about my potager this year.

My vegetable garden is not big.  Four squares each measuring 10 foot by 10 foot.  I am notoriously ill disciplined in keeping it perfectly tidy.  My bohemian rhubarb is allowed to flower and my salads rarely grow in straight lines. 

I like the slightly gipsy look to it all, but if I were honest I would admit to longing for the order and calm created in a real jardin de curé (priest's garden)  such as these examples elsewhere in Normandy.

I know many of you have potagers, what do you think are the best ideas for planting?  your favourites? Your tips.

Photos 1;4;5 Google images -  photos 2;3;6 my garden


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