Saturday, April 16, 2011

Passion Week

I would suggest that we each make the most of this holy week by taking full advantage of every opportunity to draw close to the One Who thought of you and acted on your behalf throughout that fateful and historic week. You see, the passion that our Lord displayed that week, was a passion for you!!!

This should be a week of:
 Reverence – for the One Who gave His life for our salvation. We ought to live in holiness and reverence throughout this week and always.
 Reading – Let’s all join in on reading together the following chapters on their respective days: Today-Mt 21, Mon-Mt 22, etc. until Mt 28 on Easter.
 Reflection – Spend a good portion of each day contemplating His love, teaching and actions which were on our behalf
 Remorse – Not penance, but a godly sorrow that leads us to repentance. II Cor. 7:10
 Rejoicing – Jesus paid the price for us and is now alive evermore, interceding on our behalf.
 Request – That we might be witnesses of the gospel to the lost
 Reception – If you have not confessed Christ as Savior, receive Him into your heart by faith. If you have, receive Him as Lord of your life.


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