Thursday, June 2, 2011

jounalists, my nerves and rose cuttings

I hadn't planned to admit to this, but I am in a bit of a frenzy here because I have some journalists arriving tomorrow for the weekend, and suddenly what normally looks reasonably presentable in my house looks old hat, and where my garden normally looks bright, it suddenly looks tired .... Oh dear!

I could blame it on the 2 month drought we are suffering from, along with its incumbent hosepipe ban,  but I know that I should have worked harder making everything look spick and span.  Why are there only 24 hours in each day?!  I'm actually envying those people who only need 3 hours sleep, oh!  the things I could do ............

Anyway, this is what I have to offer, they'll just have to do small vignettes rather than grand overviews



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