My Collection Review Home Decorating


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.

Friday, October 31, 2008

What To Know About Window Replacement

Window replacement
(NewsUSA) - Replacing the windows in your home is a great way to increase windows' energy efficiency and overall ease of use. But how should you choose the best replacement windows? Use these tips to determine the best replacement window for you:

- Think Green. Replacing your windows can increase your home's energy efficiency by up to 70 percent. Today's modern double-paned windows can eliminate the need for storm windows.

- Look for Strong Materials. Replacement windows should be low-maintenance and durable, so they will look good over time. Consider getting wood-clad windows with extruded aluminum cladding. Exterior cladding does not need to be scraped or painted.

- Think About Aesthetics. Whether you are replacing your windows to have a whole new look or want to replicate the look of historic wooden windows, it is important to choose from a range of options.

Replacement windows, such as the Ultimate Replacement Casement from Marvin Windows and Doors, use patented hardware systems and have unique wash modes that allow you to wash the exterior of the window from the inside of your home.

- Choose the Right Supplier. With so many window manufacturers in the marketplace, how do you know whom to trust? Choose a window manufacturer who is well-established and has an excellent reputation. Selecting high-quality windows won't pay off unless qualified people install them.

To learn more about replacing your windows, please visit www.MarvinCasement.com or call (888) 537-8268.

Lou Manfredini is a national home improvement expert and regular contributor to NBC's Today Show and host of the television show HouseSmarts.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What's Your Pain Tolerance?

How committed to working in the investment banking division are you?I've been searching around the internet looking for other investment banking resources to share with you and I came across the email below. The email was written on a Sunday morning, apparently after an all-nighter, by a analyst in the Healthcare group of a bulge bracket in New York.Warning: Read at your own risk - you might find

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Scoop on Snoopy's Shack

Special thanks to Aaron Austin and the following companies for their generous donation of coordination and hard work that made the Structures/Herlong custom green doghouse possible!
84 Lumber
Buck Lumber
Cahill Contracting
Carolina Tree Brokers
Craftsman Services II
EB Design
Liberty Cedar
Sharon’s Painting
Southern Foam & Coating
Stock Building Supply
All the proceeds from the Daniel Island Park Day raffle went to the Rescue Resource Foundation!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ways To Reduce Your Electric Use And Save Money From Utility Bills

Do you feel that nervous feeling in your stomach just before opening that power use bill? It is no surprise gas continues to go up in price, but were you aware that electric prices are going up too?

Reduce the amount of energy - 02:17 min.

This is not an article about gas vs electric, most homes need and use both. You obviously can not just stop your electric use or your power use. But there are definitely simple ways to reduce the electrical use around the house.

The first step in reducing any power use or electric use is simply awareness. Most people take for granted everything in their household and are not really aware of their power use or electric use at all. Now that you can make yourself aware, you start to see things you can do to reduce the power use.

Next, start limiting your electrical use. If you are not in a room, then turn off every non-essential electric use device that you can. Sounds like common sense, right? Again, the whole awareness thing. How many times have you left the light on in a room to go to do something in another room? How many times is it that you get caught up in what you are doing and have left the empty room light on for several minutes or even hours?

That is just the lights! Several people have multiple televisions in different parts of the house today. But really, when was the last time you watched that TV in the bedroom, the spare bedroom, or the basement. Even though the TVs are turned off, they are still drawing electricity constantly to keep their capacitors full so you will get an instant screen when you turn it on. Is that really worth the electric use the TV uses if you only turn it on a handful of times a year? It may take a little more time, but would it be that much effort to just unplug it and plug it in when you want to watch it? You would not believe the electrical use you could save by just doing this.

Computer monitors count too. Many families have multiple computers, but never use that one in the family room. If a computer is not used daily, unplug it. There is not a need to keep that power use draw on your electric bill.

Do you have a cell phone charger or other battery type charges somewhere in the house that you just keep plugged in? I know I used to plug my phone in over night every night. It only took a little behavior change for me to charge it at the office instead. Chances are I am going to sit in front of a work computer for an hour or more, that is usually all the time it takes to charge a cell phone. Then your company pays for the electric use not you and your home bill.

There are also non use items like VCRs, DVD players, stereos, and other items probably being current energy suckers and they are not even being utilized.Take a tour around your house with your new awareness. See if you can not find things that probably do not need to be plugged and drawing electirc use all year long.

Another big difference can be made in electric use by changing all of your incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent light bulbs. Even better are the newly designed compact fluorescent light bulbs known also as CFLs. They give the light of 75 watt light bulb while only drawing 13 watts to do it.

There is a slight disadvantage. The CFLs are not instant bright light. They turn on instantly, but it may take a few moments before it is putting out the maximum light. But it is a small price to pay for the return on the electric use. Besides, you may not know this, but all incandescent lights bulbs will stop being made in 2009. So you might as well get use to using CFLs now and harvest the savings.

You can save power use and money when you have to purchase new appliances. When it comes time to replace that refrigerator, washer, dryer, stove, water heater, or whatever, make sure that your next replacement is a power conserving appliance. Most are energy star compliant. But even if the non energy star compliant appliance is cheaper, it is only temporary compared to the amount of electric use it is going to charge you vs the energy star compliant one. You may save a hundred dollars at purchase, but in the long run you are going to pay hundreds of dollars more from its power use.

Now you are armed with some real use knowledge. Really take the time to do an awareness tour around your house. I bet you will be surprised at the things you find to be able to reduce your power use.

About the Author: Ian Westynn. Protect your family from the high cost of home energy use! Save time and money with the ultimate step-by-step guide to energy independence! Stop the grasp that foreign energy companies have on you - http://enchantedtrader.com/myenergy

More on energy savings.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bamboo blinds are gaining popularity

People are looking for ways to find products made of natural materials, even when it comes to interior decorating. Bamboo blinds are gaining popularity for good reason. These items are beautiful, durable and natural. You can find many different sizes and styles in this type of window treatment. Once you begin your search, you’ll understand why bamboo blinds are all the rage.

Production of Bamboo Blinds - 01:01 min.

Many may think about this option and immediately turn away because they want something with color. Don’t think that choosing bamboo blinds means that you are choosing dull, lifeless color for your interior design plan. The neutral tones in bamboo blinds work wonderfully in all different color schemes.

One thing to remember is that the bamboo blinds are naturally green but they fade into a natural beige color as they dry. If you order a product that looks a little too green give it time to dry out and you will see the green shade fade into the beautiful neutral tones we all love so much.

Keep in mind that bamboo blinds are natural and most manufacturers do not alter the colors inherit to the product. This makes these window treatments especially appealing because they serve to bring some of the outdoors inside. You just can’t go wrong with this look.

What about size? Surprisingly, bamboo blinds come in a whole spectrum of sizes that are suitable for just about any window. It is important to note that this product will lengthen a little bit over time. This is a normal occurrence, especially during hot months. People who live in climates that experience cold winters may notice that the blinds shrink a little but the change is insignificant.

The material’s ability to grow and move can serve as a great benefit. Bamboo blinds can be stretched to a preferred length. The process takes a little time but it works really well. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and you can create the perfect fit for your window space.

Of course, you do want to try to get the best fit possible when you order. All you need to do is measure your space. If you don’t find bamboo blinds that fit the area you can opt for custom made blinds instead. It is wise to ask for samples when taking this approach. This will give you a good idea of how the custom made bamboo blinds will look.

Don’t forget that you are not limited to a certain design. There are many different styles to consider in bamboo blinds. They make wonderful additions to a home’s interior design scheme.

Concrete Providing Foundation For Safe, Healthy Families

(NewsUSA) - Home safety is a major concern for many Americans. But safety should mean more than teaching the kids to stop, drop and roll and double-checking the stove before leaving the house. Americans who are building, or looking to buy, a new home can implement safety from the start by considering the construction of the foundation.

When it comes to safety, building materials matter. Americans should consider the area in which they live before choosing a construction material. For example, couples living in hurricane- or flood-prone areas shouldn't build wooden homes, which can easily suffer moisture damage.

Concrete Network TV - 05:36 min.

Concrete masonry construction has been proven to be a safe, sturdy building material no matter the region. Unlike wood, concrete masonry is water-, wind- and fire-resistant. Concrete masonry bricks do not succumb to insect infestations, like termites. In areas often afflicted by earthquakes, builders can create flexibility within concrete foundations, so they do not shatter when the earth moves.

Concrete masonry also lessens indoor pollution, a major concern in many areas. Paints can emit harmful chemicals, but concrete bricks do not need to be painted. Concrete masonry does not absorb moisture in the air, which can lead to mold growth in other building materials. Mold is a major indoor air pollutant and irritant -; eliminating mold can lead to improved lung health in a home's residents.

Americans living in concrete masonry homes might also enjoy improved economic well-being. Concrete masonry helps control indoor temperatures, keeping homes cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. In many areas, concrete masonry walls do not require additional insulation, saving homeowners money and reducing household dust.

Concrete masonry also dampens sound, making for a more peaceful indoor environment in urban areas.

For more information about building with concrete masonry, visit the Web site of the National Concrete Masonry Association at www.ncma.org

Monday, October 20, 2008

Interview Question: Why Investment Banking?

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