My Collection Review Home Decorating


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Island Living on Daniel Island

Terry Haas of HGTV's Designed to Sell is a resident of beautiful Daniel Island as well as a much loved Structures Building Company client. We've had the privilege of knowing Tim and Terry for over the past 2 years as they found their place to call home on Daniel Island, what a privilege it is to also have them as part of our family.

Take a tour through the island with Terry, she is able to share from personal experience about the "Island Life" that she and her husband have claimed for their family.

For more information about how you can enjoy the Island Living for yourself, contact the great team of Daniel Island agents who would love to help meet your buying needs!

Expert Tips for Proper Pool Closing

(NewsUSA) - You might not think about your pool too much after the end of summer, but what you do at the end of swimming season will determine your workload come spring. Properly winterizing your pool will make opening it easier, not to mention help prevent damage.

Poorly winterized pools may sustain freeze-thaw damage, broken equipment, underground drain damage and poor water quality in the spring. Every year, Americans spend thousands of dollars repairing pools that were not closed properly.

Winter pool
BioGuard, a company that supplies water treatment products for recreational and industrial use, offers the following tips for pool owners looking to properly close their pools:

* Conduct a final pool water test. Bring a water sample to your local BioGuard dealer to receive a quick, computerized water analysis. The water analysis will ensure that the water in your pool is balanced. After the dealer tests your water, he or she can recommend and provide the exact materials you need to close your pool for the winter, including information on protecting your pool surfaces and equipment.

* Brush the walls and floor of your pool and vacuum it thoroughly. Clean the skimmer basket and lint trap.

* Use a special filter cleaner to thoroughly clean the filter. A dirty filter can cake and harden over the winter, leaving a messy and difficult clean-up job.

* With the pump and filter on, add the appropriate amount of winter shock around the edges of the pool. Wait an hour, then add winter algaecide. Keep the pump and filter on for another hour.

* If you completely cover and close your pool, drain it to just below the return water lines. Also, drain your equipment and then add pool-winterizing anti-freeze to pipes and equipment. In colder climates, it may be advisable to remove the pump and filter, and store them in an enclosed structure. Consult your local BioGuard dealer for specific instructions.

* Finally, cover your pool to protect from winter winds, leaves, dirt and debris.

For more information, visit www.BioGuard.com or visit your local BioGuard dealer.

HAha... Dapet Award....

setelah sekian lama ngeblog (walaupun tersendat-sendat)...

daper award juga....
DariAina-Chan nih...
makasi ya...


Cara penggunaannya:
1. cara penggunanannya cukup simpel yang perlu teman-teman lakukan setelah menerima Award ini adalah akan lebih baik lagi jika tidak ada hapus menghapus biarkan nama-nama tersebut di atas atau yang telah tertulis sebelumnya tetap ada.
2. apabila sudah mencapai 5 nama maka ke 5 nama tersebut tidak usah di masukan link URL nya biarkan namanya saja tidak perlu di hapus (bagi penerima ke 6.
3. dan pada nama ke 6 sampai ke 10 masukan Link URL nya. dan begitu juga seterusnya. cukup 20 NAMA BLOGGER saja yang ada Link URL nya (Bagi penerima ke 11).
4.setiap penerima harus memasukan nama dan link urlnya.

Nih buat:
Yogie the Mentalist wannabe
Alya nabila
juga buat server musik blog Aul deh



Friday, September 25, 2009

Green by Design Open House Update

The ABODE Green by Design Open House is now just two weeks away and we have a full complement of experts scheduled to join us for the afternoon and share their expertise with you. The theme of the day will focus on Building a Custom Green Home the Smart Way - Designing your home to fit the needs of your family, lifestyle & budget. How do you go about accomplishing this? Here are a few suggestions:

1. You have to start by deciding what you want and what is most important in the beginning. Comfort, energy savings, a healthy home, return on investment, commitment to green or sustainable living or all of the above? Set clear goals & objectives for yourself and that will begin to shape the vision of your home.

2. What is your investment goal? Be realistic and this will keep you and your building team focused on the right design for you. Sharing this goal with your builder will allow them to approach your home design much more efficiently and effectively and will save valuable time and energy as you move through the process. Pre-qualifying with a banking institution is also recommended prior to beginning the design process.

3. What are your choices? There are many choices, but you can get a jump on the DESIGN process by doing your homework ahead of time. Research sample floor plans to get a sense of space, flow & square footage, research design styles you find appealing, take pictures of homes in your area that you admire, and research products & materials you are considering incorporating into your home. Next, take a look at the ENVELOPE of the home to determine what makes a "tight" house - solar orientation, insulation options, ICF's, glazing options? From there decide what SYSTEMS are going to suit your needs - heating, cooling, hot water, ventilation, propane, oil, geothermal, solar? Finally, your FINISHES add the final style & character to your home - flooring, paints, trim, lighting, cabinetry, countertops?

4. How do you decide? Find an experienced guide to lead you through the process. Each part needs to be coordinated and all of your choices need to be smartly integrated into the whole house solution. This is where ABODE separates from the rest. We manage the team and provide alternative solutions to make the decision-making process easier. We walk you through the process and help you clarify your goals and establish your budget. We educate you on your choices and bring in experts to help you make smart decisions. We develop a holistic solution and put all of the pieces together for you.

The home building process doesn't need to be daunting and building green doesn't need to be expensive. Visit us on October 10th and we'll introduce you to the team that can show you how to build and design a green home the smart way.

Green by Design Open House Update

The ABODE Green by Design Open House is now just two weeks away and we have a full complement of experts scheduled to join us for the afternoon and share their expertise with you. The theme of the day will focus on Building a Custom Green Home the Smart Way - Designing your home to fit the needs of your family, lifestyle & budget. How do you go about accomplishing this? Here are a few suggestions:

1. You have to start by deciding what you want and what is most important in the beginning. Comfort, energy savings, a healthy home, return on investment, commitment to green or sustainable living or all of the above? Set clear goals & objectives for yourself and that will begin to shape the vision of your home.

2. What is your investment goal? Be realistic and this will keep you and your building team focused on the right design for you. Sharing this goal with your builder will allow them to approach your home design much more efficiently and effectively and will save valuable time and energy as you move through the process. Pre-qualifying with a banking institution is also recommended prior to beginning the design process.

3. What are your choices? There are many choices, but you can get a jump on the DESIGN process by doing your homework ahead of time. Research sample floor plans to get a sense of space, flow & square footage, research design styles you find appealing, take pictures of homes in your area that you admire, and research products & materials you are considering incorporating into your home. Next, take a look at the ENVELOPE of the home to determine what makes a "tight" house - solar orientation, insulation options, ICF's, glazing options? From there decide what SYSTEMS are going to suit your needs - heating, cooling, hot water, ventilation, propane, oil, geothermal, solar? Finally, your FINISHES add the final style & character to your home - flooring, paints, trim, lighting, cabinetry, countertops?

4. How do you decide? Find an experienced guide to lead you through the process. Each part needs to be coordinated and all of your choices need to be smartly integrated into the whole house solution. This is where ABODE separates from the rest. We manage the team and provide alternative solutions to make the decision-making process easier. We walk you through the process and help you clarify your goals and establish your budget. We educate you on your choices and bring in experts to help you make smart decisions. We develop a holistic solution and put all of the pieces together for you.

The home building process doesn't need to be daunting and building green doesn't need to be expensive. Visit us on October 10th and we'll introduce you to the team that can show you how to build and design a green home the smart way.

Suntuk?? Jangan!!


Hai pembaca...
Jumpa lagi dengan Mr. Owl alias Aul co cool...


pembahasan kali ini ialah mengenai salah satu penyakit yang sering banget menggerogoti manusia...

kita sering banget merasa suntuk...
entah karena dimarahi ortu...
entah karena dimarahi guru...
entah karena masalah dengan teman or sahabat...
atau entah karena apa, alias suntuk tanpa sebab...
pokoknya suntuk deh!!

banyak banget sebenarnya hal yang bisa bikin kita suntuk. namun, pada umumnya hal tersebut berbentuk ketidak sukaan akan suatu hal yang tengah kita hadapi...
apakah itu masalah, apakah itu sekedar peristiwa yang istilahnya "Hanya numpang lewat", dan sebagainya.

memang, suntuk bisa diklarifikasi sebagai suatu kewajaran atau tanda kenormalan seseorang. Namun, ternyata akibat suntuk itu sendiri tidak senormal yang kita bayangkan. mungkin bagi yang telah matang atau telah mampu mengendalikan diri serta telah mampu memilah2 sesuatu pada tempatnya, suntuk bukan masalah. namun, bagi orang awam yang rawan seperti kalangan ABG atau remaja?


Suntuk bukan main-main, sobat...
jika ternyata kita tak berhasil mengendalikan suntuk itu pada jalan yang benar, suntuk ini bisa mengarah pada hal-hal negatif. misalnya begini:
Seorang pelajar sedang suntuk, karena ujian yang baru saja dilaluinya benar2 kacau. lantas ia pergi ke warung2 untuk berkumpul2 dengan teman2 sesama tukang suntuk. bukan tidak mungkin kan, karena kesuntukan mereka, mereka mendiskusikan hal2 yang sesungguhnya tidak boleh didiskusikan? kemudian, siapa yang menjamin, mereka bisa mendiskusikan rencana2 yang akhirnya mencelakakan masa depan mereka sendiri seperti mabuk2an, judi, tawuran dan sebagainya?

ada banyak jalan yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menghilangkan suntuk. kalau dirinci satu persatu mungkin nggak muat, jadi kita klasifikasi secara garis besar aja. diantaranya kita bisa melakukan hal yang bermanfaat seperti menyalurkan hobi ( pengecualian untuk hobi2 aneh seperti merokok dll), melakukan aktivitas bersama keluarga, berolahraga, mengunjungi tempat rekreasi, dan sebagainya. biasanya, kesuntukan yang disebabkan ketidaksukaan akan sesuatu bisa dilenyapkan dengan sesuatu yang bisa menyenangkan hati kita.
boleh dicoba kok..


mungkin sekian dulu untuk kesempatan ini...
maaf ya, kalo terkesan menggurui....


Aul cool reported..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Accessorize Your Bathroom on a Budget

(NewsUSA) - Decorating a bathroom on a budget is a lot like updating a wardrobe on a budget. Work with what you have, and use accessories to update and add the "wow" factor.

In the bathroom, accessorizing can even include bathroom sink faucets. "With a pre-assembled drain assembly such as Speed Connect, a new faucet is easier to add than a new coat of paint," says Gray Uhl, design director for American Standard. "Even better, top performing lifetime finishes and drip-free, solid brass faucets start as low as $100."

Trend No. 1: Warmer Finishes. Special finishes in warmer tones such as satin nickel, oil-rubbed bronze and blackened bronze are currently popular in hardware and faucets, coordinating well with creams and browns in linens and wall décor. "Matte black finish is the proverbial height of fashion for faucets and accessories right now," says Leslie Clagett on her blog, kbculture.blogspot.com.

Trend No. 2: American Minimalism. "Styles such as the Moments, Copeland and Princeton faucet collections echo the same geometric lines and styling familiar in European contemporary design, but warmer and softer," says Uhl. "American minimalist faucets and accessories look best when paired with warmer tones and rich wood surfaces in cabinets and bathroom furniture." Uhl notes that an easy way to get the look is with a design-matched collection such as Tropic, which includes furniture, faucets and fixtures.

Trend No. 3: Escape. Turn even a small bathroom into a spa experience with a serene, monochromatic look and plant oils that create a soothing aroma. Asian-inspired design such as the Green Tea bathroom sink faucet completes the look, with the added benefit of a discrete pull-out spout, which makes it easy to rinse the sink or wash delicate clothing items or one's hair.

Trend No. 4: The Responsible Bathroom. Look for the WaterSense label on new bathroom faucets. The WaterSense label is an assurance that water use will be reduced by 30 percent or more, without sacrificing performance. Replacing three older faucets with three WaterSense-labeled faucets can save almost $500 and 74,000 gallons of water per year.

Style Trend No. 5: You. Most importantly, don't be afraid to be yourself. Bathrooms are personal spaces, so personal statements work well, including tasteful humor. After all, if you can't be yourself in the bathroom, where can you be yourself?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Coastal Living Idea Cottage - October Edition is Soon To Be Out!

Monday was off to a great start, but little did I know that my quick trip to my personal PO Box would make Monday even sweeter! I reached in my box to pull out the long awaited October edition of Coastal Living magazine! I eagerly flipped through the pages to find the 2009 Idea Cottage we, (Structures Building Company) had the privilege of building was now staring me back in the face. Pages 35-55 show how the details were beautifully photographed by Tria Giovan. Tria flew down back in July and we've been holding our breath waiting to see this edition! The Coastal Living staff and local team did an amazing job from start to finish on this entire project, what a great little souvenir to say the least! This edition should hit the newsstands later this week. . . pick it up for some really fun and fresh ideas! Special thanks to Editor in Chief, Lindsey Bierman, Bill McDougald, VP, Southern Progress Homes Group, Nicole Hendrick, Idea Home Manager, and all many others from the Coastal Living team, Melissa Bigner, Freelance Writer for Coastal Living magazine, Tom and Vince Graham, Angie Hranowsky, local interior designer, Historical Concepts, Kerns Landscape Architects, Helen Geer of William Means and her incredible Sales and Marketing team and countless national and local sponsors! Hope you enjoy seeing how all your hard work has paid off!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Joseph Makes A Trip To The "Holy City"

Enjoying an evening downtown in Charleston, SC! I truly do love living in a place that's so beautiful, surrounded by water, and not to mention, a fun arts community! On the agenda tonight includes seeing Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Charleston Stage. Very impressive cast! This performance has been running since September 9th and will have the last show on September 20th and you can purchase your ticket right here online. Be sure to make your way down to The College Of Charleston Sottile Theatre to enjoy a great evening of entertainment!

Mastering the Alaska Home Heating Test

(NewsUSA) - If a wall-hung boiler can heat a home in Alaska problem-free for 10 winters, then it can heat a home anywhere, according to mechanical contractor Mike La Fay.

La Fay, owner of Meadow Lakes Supply in Wasilla, Alaska, installed his first Baxi Luna modulating wall-hung boiler in early 2000. Since then, he has installed more than 100 of these high efficiency, eco-friendly heating appliances in homes throughout Matanuska Susitna County, which is a 50-minute drive north-east from Anchorage.

Alaska winter
"It can be 30 below zero here for three weeks straight, so a reliable heating appliance is essential for both home comfort and survival," La Fay says. "I have not experienced any significant problem with Baxi Luna performance. With Gensco, the exclusive Baxi distributor in Alaska stocking parts and accessories, I am really looking forward to my second decade as a Baxi contractor."

Gensco is a leading wholesale distributor of heating supplies and equipment, selling only to qualified contractors trade in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana since 1947. More recently, Gensco supplied 250 Baxi Luna boilers for an award-winning community redevelopment of Seattle Housing Authority, which reported 37 percent energy use savings over another hydronic heating system.

"My neighborhood just got natural gas recently, so I now have a Baxi Luna heating our family home and my shop. Our former oil fuel bill was up to $500 a month, and now we are spending around $150 for gas," La Fay notes. "You simply can't get better than that -- saving lots of money while knowing your heating system will withstand the coldest challenges of our winter."

Baxi is one of Europe's largest heating products manufacturer and has been making leading wall-hung boilers since the late 1960s. The firm's Bassano, Italy, plant has been producing Baxi Luna wallhung heating since it opened in 1978 and now makes 4,000 boilers a day for export to 70 countries, including the United States. Baxi heat exchangers are stainless steel and bear the ASME H-Stamp.

"I can recommend this appliance to homeowners with confidence, knowing it has a proven Alaska track record for quality, safety and environmental performance," says La Fay, who does ongoing maintenance of his installations and remains committed to learning more about the product. "I have learned a lot from a Baxi Luna training and contractor-certification CD-ROM. It is a great tool for a contractor located in Alaska."

To learn more about proven Baxi energy-efficient, eco-friendly heating solutions, including modulating, condensing or near-condensing boilers (in either combination central heating and domestic hot water mode, or heating-only), visit www.wallhungboilers.com

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Heated Stairs Step Up Safety, Convenience

(NewsUSA) - Anyone who has lived with snow knows that stairs present a unique challenge. They ice up quickly, becoming slippery and dangerous. Outdoor stairs, which often come in irregular sizes, can be difficult to shovel, especially for senior citizens.

And even if you remove snow, your stairs may still ice up. Melting snow from the roof often falls on stairs leading up to a doorstep, creating dangerous ice layers. Using sand or rock salt is hardly an ideal situation. Many Americans are not physically able to carry heavy bags. When the salt dissolves, it poses a threat to local flora and fauna.

Heated stair
Companies and schools with large facilities have taken a unique approach to ensuring safer stairs in wintery weather -- instead of trying to remove snow after it falls, they're using a product that melts snow before it has a chance to build up.

At age 15, Hillel Glazer decided he no longer wanted to shovel snow, so he disassembled a heating pad and combined it with a doormat, promptly shorting out the electricity in his parents' home. As an adult -- and with the help of engineers -- Glazer returned to his original snow-melting mat idea.

Today, Glazer's company, HeatTrak, makes heated mats that keep walkways clear of snow. Long used by large commercial facilities, HeatTrak's Stair Mats are now available to homeowners.

Built with weatherproof, ribbed carpet, HeatTrak Residential Stair Mats are durable enough to be left outside for the entire winter. The mats plug into standard outlets and generate enough heat to melt snow at a rate of two inches per hour. If homeowners turn the mats on when snow first begins to fall, snowflakes will dissolve as soon as they hit the mats, leaving slip-free stairs.

HeatTrak Stair Mats are safe to own and operate. Each mat has a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) that instantly shuts off the mat when it senses a current leak. HeatTrak products are sold throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

For more information, visit www.heattrak.com

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Introducing ABODE's NEW Concord, MA Green Home

The site work for ABODE's new energy-efficient home on Virginia Road in Concord, MA is officially underway. The previous structure was taken down earlier in the week and the foundation preparations for the ABODE home are in full swing. Plans are developing for a beautiful Colonial design, which will make a nice addition to the current ABODE plan library. The home will be approximately 3400 sf with plans for a finished attic space. We expect to establish a sale price for the home in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Also, you're invited to follow our progress on Twitter. Search for "ABODEBuildGreen" and keep up-to-date on the daily happenings in real-time.

Introducing ABODE's NEW Concord, MA Green Home

The site work for ABODE's new energy-efficient home on Virginia Road in Concord, MA is officially underway. The previous structure was taken down earlier in the week and the foundation preparations for the ABODE home are in full swing. Plans are developing for a beautiful Colonial design, which will make a nice addition to the current ABODE plan library. The home will be approximately 3400 sf with plans for a finished attic space. We expect to establish a sale price for the home in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Also, you're invited to follow our progress on Twitter. Search for "ABODEBuildGreen" and keep up-to-date on the daily happenings in real-time.

Monday, September 7, 2009

If Mahogany Entry Doors Could Talk

If only my doors could talk, I wonder what they would suggest I do to them. My house is currently under renovation and everything that needs to be done has been ironed out except the door aspect.
See, the root of this renovation project happens to be my termite infested custom made entry doors. I don’t know if I’m the one at fault or the company that installed these doors five years ago; yes, so recent that’s why I’m so distraught with the idea of having to spend again on new doors.

Mahogany door
Anyway, my mother suggested Mahogany double entry doors are the perfect choice and the reason of which I really don’t know. She said properly finished Mahogany exterior doors will keep the termites away. Does that mean the company that made my first custom doors did not apply the proper finishing? Somehow mom’s statement made me feel vindicated as I realized I’m not to be blamed for what had befell my doors, but then again I’m the one spending for the Mahogany entry doors so there’s no reason to celebrate.

‘Why, there is, dear! You have every reason to celebrate,” mom said upon hearing my murmur. She went on to say that a friend of hers runs a company that offers fabulous custom made American Red Oak doors, exterior French panel doors, exterior iron insulated doors, and mesmerizing Mahogany interior doors that exude that quaint appeal of Victorian architecture.

Mom speaks to me in vague language all the time. What do I know about architecture and I have zero knowledge about Victoria or is it Victory? Right now, all I want are affordable new entry doors regardless if they’re Mahogany or from Mrs. Victoria’s architecture. Mom said she’ll talk to her friend who offers huge discounts on regular clients and amigas so she’s positive she can get me a great deal.

Stayed at mom’s house for a month and then I returned home to see what has become of my place. As I pulled up in the driveway, I had my eyes fixed on the entry doors which Mom labeled Murano Brazilian Mahogany. Whatever that meant, it was beautiful and very classy. I told mom I’ll go check inside the house but she told me to stop and say hello to the doors first because if only they could talk, they’d offer me a grand welcome.

For additional information, click this site on Mahogany interior doors.

Wood Stove Heating Basics

Wood stoves are commonly use in almost all American households. It is utilized for generating heat and it gives comfort. It is also commonly used for cooking food. The concept of the wood stove was patterned from the fireplace. During the old days, most American households make use of the fireplace to provide heat to their homes.

Old wood stove
It was also widely used in the preparation and cooking of meals. With the help of the famous Benjamin Franklin, the first stove was invented. It was made up of cast iron. It had two doors with a pot belly that is large. It operates by burning wood which was inserted in the pot belly of the stove. With the help of the two doors the fire and also the draft can be controlled.

These stoves are very efficient but at the same time it possesses some risk. The usage of these stoves can cause harm to its users and at the same time very dangerous to the health. The utilization of chemically treated wood for burning releases carcinogens to the air. These carcinogens are very harmful are very dangerous to the immune system especially when inhaled. This will also result to respiratory problems and can also cause eye irritation to its users.

With the help of modern technology latest models of wood stoves were later developed. These stoves are very efficient compared to its predecessor and less harmful. And with the growing health hazards cause by the utilization of these wood burning stoves, laws and regulations were imposed by the American Government with the Agency on Environment Protection on the lead. The agency checks the manufactures products if it passes the safety and health regulations before it is distributed in the market.

It will be a violation against the law if the manufacturers of these stoves will sell these in the market without the certification from the agency. To find out further information about wood stoves, visit: ibuywoodstoves.com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sorting Out the Differences Between Front-Load and Top-Load Laundry

(NewsUSA) - What a difference a door makes -- that's what homeowners are discovering when shopping for new laundry appliances. Before deciding among different makes and models, the first decision for many shoppers is the choice between a top-load and a front-load washer.

Top-Load Laundry

Long the standard in American homes, top-load washers are still much like the original electric powered machines introduced in the 1920s in that they feature an agitator. Top-loaders submerge clothes in a full tub of water and rely on the agitator to twist and pull clothes through the soapy water. These two features are also the biggest drawbacks. Since the top-loader's basin must completely fill with water, it can use up to 45 gallons of water per load. The agitator's rough, jerking motion subjects clothes to added wear, tear and potential damage.

The end result: top-loaders are cheaper to purchase, but cost more money to operate.

Front-Load Laundry

Instead of an agitator, front-load washing machines use sophisticated systems to gently flip and spin clothes through a shallow pool of water. This gentle tumbling motion helps lengthen the life of often-washed items and allows many models to safely clean silk, wool and other hand-washables.

While front-load washers tend to cost more initially, their energy and water savings over the life of the machine will save more money over time. Even with the reduced water levels, front-loading machines are able to wash the same amount of laundry per load, if not more, due to the absence of a bulky agitator.

Vision, the ENERGY STAR-qualified full-size front-load washer from Bosch, uses only 13 gallons of water for an average-sized load. Advanced energy-saving technology like EcoSmart uses a network of sensors and intelligent controls that continually analyze how full the load is and the suds level in the water. By automatically adjusting the water temperature, water level and rinse cycles, Vision minimizes the amount of water and energy to get clothes absolutely clean. In fact, Bosch is the most energy- and water-efficient brand of full-size front-load washers in the U.S. Front-load washers are known to reduce energy consumption by more than 40 percent but with features such as EcoAction, Vision's energy usage is cut by an additional 20 percent.

The end result: front-loaders are perfect for families looking to save on energy and water bills while machine washing a broad variety of laundry.

Tips to Live Large in a Smaller Space

(NewsUSA) - Today's economic reality has changed the spaces that Americans call "home." Some have downsized, moving into smaller and more affordable homes. Other families have expanded, bringing grandparents and older children under the same roof.

But moving into a smaller space -- or having to make the same space accommodate more people -- presents challenges. Where are you going to put everything? How are you going to make rooms feel comfortable, not crowded?

Small space
The experts at TheShelvingStore.com, a company that specializes in designing shelving systems to fit any space, offer the following tips to find more room in your smaller space:

- "Edit" your belongings. If you're moving into a significantly smaller space, you will need to get rid of some items. Make a list of the pieces your new home needs, like beds, sofas and dining room tables. Look at the pieces you own, and determine what will work in your new space. If you don't like a piece, don't use it often or don't think it fits the decor of your new space, it's time to donate or sell.

- Eliminate clutter. Life is too busy to have clutter. Don't shove too much stuff in one space. Use all of the space you have to get rid of clutter. Creative storage solutions prove both functional and decorative. Consider chrome wire shelves, which are economical, keep stored items ventilated and eliminate the need to dust. While buying wire shelves at a big discount store can prove problematic -- you might have trouble finding shelves to fit your space -- specialized companies like TheShelvingStore.com offer a wide variety of sizes and styles.

- Let the light in. Contrary to popular belief, painting a room white doesn't make it look larger, just cold and uninviting. Choose soft pastels to warm up rooms. Make sure that light comes in from the windows by choosing light drapes in quality fabrics. Not only do drapes make a room feel homier, they can also add an illusion of height. If a room's dark, add extra lighting with sconces and uplighting, not hanging lights, which can make the ceiling look low. Decorate with mirrors to redirect light, making spaces feel more open.

For more information, visit www.TheShelvingStore.com/small or www.Shelving.com

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

RP, Production Manager, is caught hard at work taking care of the courtyard at the Coastal Living Idea Cottage. When he saw the fountain needed some attention, he was quick to pull out his beach bucket to jump right in. So glad he was prepared to share his toys for the sake of the team.

Green by Design Open House

ABODE will be hosting a Green by Design Open House on Saturday, October 10th, from 1-4 pm. Bring your plans & ideas and join us for a casual afternoon of demonstrations by New England’s top green experts in architectural, interior, kitchen and landscape design. Representatives from Crown Point Cabinetry, Design East Interiors , Carlisle Wide Plank Flooring, KW Management, Green Building Solutions, and Andrews Construction, along with award-winning architect Elise Stone, will be on-hand to talk about the benefits of green design and energy efficient living.

A BBQ and live entertainment will round out the day, so don't miss the opportunity to tap into some of the green home building industry's top talent and get started on the right path to building your dream home the right way.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jason Maring
Director of Marketing

Green by Design Open House

ABODE will be hosting a Green by Design Open House on Saturday, October 10th, from 1-4 pm. Bring your plans & ideas and join us for a casual afternoon of demonstrations by New England’s top green experts in architectural, interior, kitchen and landscape design. Representatives from Crown Point Cabinetry, Design East Interiors , Carlisle Wide Plank Flooring, KW Management, Green Building Solutions, and Andrews Construction, along with award-winning architect Elise Stone, will be on-hand to talk about the benefits of green design and energy efficient living.

A BBQ and live entertainment will round out the day, so don't miss the opportunity to tap into some of the green home building industry's top talent and get started on the right path to building your dream home the right way.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jason Maring
Director of Marketing

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