Monday, September 7, 2009

If Mahogany Entry Doors Could Talk

If only my doors could talk, I wonder what they would suggest I do to them. My house is currently under renovation and everything that needs to be done has been ironed out except the door aspect.
See, the root of this renovation project happens to be my termite infested custom made entry doors. I don’t know if I’m the one at fault or the company that installed these doors five years ago; yes, so recent that’s why I’m so distraught with the idea of having to spend again on new doors.

Mahogany door
Anyway, my mother suggested Mahogany double entry doors are the perfect choice and the reason of which I really don’t know. She said properly finished Mahogany exterior doors will keep the termites away. Does that mean the company that made my first custom doors did not apply the proper finishing? Somehow mom’s statement made me feel vindicated as I realized I’m not to be blamed for what had befell my doors, but then again I’m the one spending for the Mahogany entry doors so there’s no reason to celebrate.

‘Why, there is, dear! You have every reason to celebrate,” mom said upon hearing my murmur. She went on to say that a friend of hers runs a company that offers fabulous custom made American Red Oak doors, exterior French panel doors, exterior iron insulated doors, and mesmerizing Mahogany interior doors that exude that quaint appeal of Victorian architecture.

Mom speaks to me in vague language all the time. What do I know about architecture and I have zero knowledge about Victoria or is it Victory? Right now, all I want are affordable new entry doors regardless if they’re Mahogany or from Mrs. Victoria’s architecture. Mom said she’ll talk to her friend who offers huge discounts on regular clients and amigas so she’s positive she can get me a great deal.

Stayed at mom’s house for a month and then I returned home to see what has become of my place. As I pulled up in the driveway, I had my eyes fixed on the entry doors which Mom labeled Murano Brazilian Mahogany. Whatever that meant, it was beautiful and very classy. I told mom I’ll go check inside the house but she told me to stop and say hello to the doors first because if only they could talk, they’d offer me a grand welcome.

For additional information, click this site on Mahogany interior doors.


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