Thursday, August 6, 2009

Biden Time, Not "Biding Time"

I just received this story from the Tori Stein, President of the Charleston Trident Home Builders Association and thought it was worth passing along. It's always great to hear of a great local company that isn't "biding time" (just waiting around), but is always ready to step up to the bat like a team player - especially in light of Biden's arrival into Charleston, SC, yesterday afternoon for his week long vacation on Kiawah Island.

"Late Friday evening I (Tori) was called to help prepare a house of a long-term client for the arrival of Vice President Biden which strict confidence requested. I was not given a to-do list or any indications of the needs, wants or desire of the point staff that landed on the house until Monday morning. And while I have many humorous stories about Secret Service and the Kiawah Concierge I must give Jim Clark of ESS (Environmental Solutions & Services) and Frank Smith of eLifespaces the recommendations and kudos they deserve.

Jim and Frank dropped everything to work on an incredible list of items with some requests at the 11th hour that I initially thought was impossible to accomplish. I could only tell them that it was important and imperative the work was completed by 2:00 yesterday. (Frank was the last to leave at 1:59.) Both of them were quick to brain-storm on how to meet the goals with excellent humor and focus without tripping over the army of housekeepers, landscapers, ABI carpenters, and Men-in-black. Neither blinked but agreed to be on call with me for the next 7 days 24/7 without questions.

If you are not using these companies then you are missing the boat on providing your clients the best possible service and product. They will make you look like a Star. My deepest appreciation to these gentlemen and their expertise for making an incredible undertaking flow smoothly and seemingly effortless style.


Tori Stein, CAPS, CGP

2009 President of Charleston Trident Home Builders Association


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