My Collection Review Home Decorating


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Update on log Home progress Log staircase

The home owners Steve and Addy Miller in their Log Home by Hochstetler

These are the home owners Steve and Addie Miller on top of their second floor. I certainly have enjoyed working for this couple who have been gracious and appreciative. I recently completed the spindles and hand rails of the interior of the staircase. These are white cedar, which come pre drilled, to install them I had to drill threw the post to hold the top and bottom railings. The treads and stringers are 3 1/2 x 12 Doug fir beams. All the angle pieces on the stairs are not pre drilled which involved much more calculating on my part to keep the spindles plum and spaced evenly. Remember you can not go over 4 inches on the spacing or it will not pass code.

When it was finished, it was very rewarding for me and I can say that I am proud of this work, looks like the homeowners like it too!


Canadians looking to build a log Home?

Canadians want to build a log home at A REDUCED PRICE ?

From my understanding of the Current National average to build a log home in the United States it is between a $100.00 or $125.00 square foot. To build the dry in, which is the service that I offer and which is a cost that is higher than the stick frame cost of building I have seen the cost range from $15 to $50 per square foot,the highest ranges being out in the South West and the Rockies area. Lowest costs tend to be in the mid southern states where the unemployment rate is the highest.

One has to be on guard with the lowest costs on the dry in building , as a builder without experiecne may charge under $15.00 just to get the job, you do not want this type of builder on your home. I am learning recently from inquiries from Canda that these costs are even much higher.

I offer consulting for those building in Canda. DDSAs the laws prohibit
Foreign nationals coming to Canada for reasons of consultation, monitoring or inspection are
considered to be business visitors. (candainternational.gc.com)


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Desk Skirt

The mess beneath the computer desk , the 15 wires , the big black hard drive , it is all ugly, I thought I would try adding a skirt just to see if it would look alright .

I picked up 2.5 meters of linen fabric from the bargain table at the fabric store , and simply stapled it underneath and voila , it is just what the doctor ordered. Perfect with the new old little bench { this was a dumpster dive item from 10 years ago } this has been a great solution for this desk area because of the tightness of the space , two kids can even sit together here now and use the computer, it's been perfect.
Oh what is that I see here ? , two copies of Flea Market Style , while I have been waiting for my mailed issues I have been trying to track others down , it took 2 weeks , but finally yesterday after talking to the girl who restocks the mag's and books for The News Group here in our area , she was happy to help me track it down , I called The News Group and they were able to tell me exactly what stores it had been invoiced to , I live in a city of 150,000 and it is only in three stores , for those locally or in Ontario I did find it at a Shoppers Drugmart , and I do know Chapters was getting 7 , that's right only 7 copies, but it is out there now , as of just yesterday in Ontario .
I gasped when I saw it sitting there front and center yesterday , what a pretty magazine , such beautiful photos it is one you NEED to get, I still can not believe I am included , it is very thrilling , page 28 .
Thanks again Linda MacDonald and Matthew and Jenny Mead for letting me play a part , it is a real thrill for me. Flea Market Style
Forever grateful,

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just The CooL


You Guys... Hahaa...

Actually, I wanna post something like a tips or articles or motivation or poetry which will more usefull than what I post now...

But, uhmm....
You know... Sometimes, we can't do anything we want....  Hoho...
So, there were no other choices... I'll post what I was thinking... (Haha... gilak... bahasa inggris saya udah bener belum tuh? wkwkwk ^_^;)

Last night, at the time when I should be studying for exams mid, I did a stupid activities...
Do you know what...??
Editing the photos...

Because I think it works well, I post them. Check them out:

Model: Me (The CooL)
haha... I like this one...
I edit the light, colours, and the contrast accordance with what I want...

I also edit it with other effects:
Doesn't it look more artistic...??
hhaha... next:

Model: Me (The CooL)
Nice... I love this one..
wahahaha... Interesting, isn't it...??
uhhm... Do not get too excited...

And I also edit it in black and white effect like before:

In your opinion, which is better...??

Hmm... I also found this one in my photos Album...
But is wasn't edited like before...
What do you think...??
good or not...??
hoho... I hope good...

They are all for this time...
Other time it goes...

See Yaa...!!


Looking back for inspiration

I wish I had some new fresh DIY projects or a great makeover to show , I don't , so let revisit some former makeovers I would surely do again like making a door into a chalkboard

Perhaps you are ready to tackle recessed paneling you can start here

How about a chair makeover , see how I took a curbside chair and made it new

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fresh baked muffins

I woke up bright and early at 6:30 to bake fresh carrot muffins for the girls , they looked shocked and enjoyed the special treat , alright they were from a mix I'll admit it .
A nice fresh hot cup of coffee in my pretty pink cup from Ikea , I need to go get some more of these , I love it , this was the perfect way to start my day .

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Aul: Bikin Emoticon!! (Part 2)


Saya bikin emoticon lagi...
Berhubung yang Kemaren dibikin banyak yang Suka... banyak yang muji bagus...


Saya jadi termotivasi untuk bikin lagi...

Ni dia:

Sedih / Sad

Gatal / itch

Dapat Ide / Get An Idea

Kesal / Upset

Merokok / Smooking

Senyum / Smile

toeng / toeng

Tarian Unik / Unique Dancing

Weeek / weeek

Bingung / confuse

Berpikir / Think

Gemas / Exasperation

 Tarian keberhasilan / Succes dancing


Segitu dulu kali ini...

kalo ada inspirasi Saya bakal bikin lagi...


Trims buat yang udah muji emoticon2 buatan saya....
Trims juga buat yang udah menggunakan emoticon saya di cbox....
Trims banget buat yang udah masang emoticon buatan saya di Postingannya...
It give me motivation, You know...

Dapet tag


beberapa hari belakangan, saya dapat foto-foto di-tag-in sama temen...
Nah, mengingat fotonya lumayan juga...

Saya tidak tahan untuk tidak mengeditnya dan memasangnya di postingan...


langsung aja dehh:
Ini di-tag sama Rizkhan, temen sebangku kelas sepuluh dulu...
Jadi waktu itu lagi musim Harry Potter 6...
Yah, gitulah... jadi Wizard Wannabe lah kami sesama penggemar Harpot...

Ini dari Rizkhan juga...
gambar waktu History Tour ke Sawahlunto...

Ini dari Rizkhan juga....
Gak sengaja, di take pas lagi mau bersin...
Jelek, tapi unik... hoho

hoho... Sbenernya ini bukan di-tag...
Tapi dikasih langsung, sama Ifa...
gambar pas kami sekelompok pratikum di Lab...

Huahaha... Ini saya curi dari Album FB nya Rizkhan...
di atas bus...

(Jangan Salah sangka)... ini gak seperti kelihatannya... hoho 
Uhm... lagi-lagi saya nyolong dari Album Rizkhan...
Haha, salah siapa di sana banyak foto saya...???

Uhm... ini pas lagi di (halaman) museum...
Sawahlunto city...

Dah ah...
segitu dulu..


For some this is the start of spring, for us it seems to be the start of winter , February is always the longest part of winter , it is COLD and it is not that often that the sun shines , making it gloomy and depressing . We haven't seen much snow this year at all , last year it was hip high , this year happily just a few inches or so , we haven't even been able to try out the new snow blower I bought for my husband for Christmas , things could be worse.

Even the puppies are snuggling up on this dark and foggy day .

At this time of year my thoughts go ever so hopefully to the coming spring , which is probably a good 8 weeks away still , this is my next real project , building a lovely structure over our deck , I want to add some real style to the back of the house.
Does the winter put a damper on your home projects? or is it just me ?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Say it again Sam

I have been a little out of the loop this week , see I thought I would do a real clean of the computer desk , this is a well used space , it was looking awfully grubby , but when I was giving it a good old scrub up came a whole section of paint , I needed to just deal with it and redo the desk. I scraped most of the paint off and then sanded away , not as much as I should have because of the mess it would have cause actually, I will do a better job some other time , but for now it has a fresh coat or three of paint , including the wall , isn't it amazing how kids can make things so grubby .
Fixing this desk meant taking the computer apart , there was some serious computer withdrawls going on with a couple of us so it had to be only a quick fix kinda of freshen up.
Back to the chair , this was the computer chair , and when not in use is pushed in as much as possible to allow for good traffic flow , which is why I hadn't noticed how damaged it has also become , dark blue denim had stained the front fabric and frame , someone has oh so kindly overly distressed the paint right off this chair frame , it is time for an over haul, a fresh start . I am going to thoroughly sand down the frame again and refresh the paint , and recover it with this vintage fabric .
A fresh start , just what it needs.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Aul: Ikutan bikin formspring juga


You guys...

beberapa waktu belakangan, saya banyak menemukan user blogger yang bikin formspring buat tambahan widget dan layanan pengunjung. Awalnya saya gak tertarik sih..

tapi entah kenapa, hari ini Mood lagi bagus...

yahhjh... akhirnya jadi juga itu formspring.. kira2 gini model formspring saya:

bagus juga yahh...?

So, bagi viewers atow readers ataou followers yang mau nanya-nanya...
selain pake cbox Aul, juga bisa pake formspring nih... langsung aja Klik di sini
Atau kalo mau secara manual boleh juga, ke http://www.formspring.me/Aulhome

See ya...


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