Monday, May 23, 2011

The Blessings Every Believer Can Claim.

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Ephesians 1 has Paul listing the blessings possessed by each Ephesian Christian. These blessings are shared by every believer, including you and me. I pray this list will find you rejoicing in what you have in Him.

1. Blessed to be Blameless! We are chosen in Him to be holy and without blame before Him. vs 4
2. Children of the King! We are predestined to be adopted as children. vs 5
3. Feeling at Home! We are accepted in Him and in His family. vs 6
4. Winners of the Lottery! We are redeemed, bought back, by His blood. vs 7
5. Clean! We are forgiven of all sin according to the riches of His grace. vs 7
6. Wellsprings of of Wisdom! Wisdom and prudence (insight) we have in abundance. vs 8
7. Insider Information! We are privy to His will. vs 9
8. Our Fortune Awaits! We have obtained an inheritance vs 11
9. Things to Do! We are predestined to a high calling and purpose. vs 11
10. The Down Payment has been Made! We are sealed with the Holy Spirit to His promises and purposes. vs 13, 14

Now, perhaps you will realize just how blessed you are, no matter what circumstances you face today.


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