Monday, April 16, 2012

Columbus Dispatch: Goodale Park pond still losing water

Goodale Park pond losing water

By  Mark Ferenchik
The Columbus Dispatch Monday April 16, 2012 11:18 AM

It appears the Goodale Park pond is leaking again.

The pond’s water level is down 4 to 6 inches since a contractor finished filling it on Friday afternoon and the fountain was turned on, said Terri Leist, assistant director of the Columbus Department of Recreation and Parks.

The pond had been drained so the Friends of Goodale Park could install a fountain and sculpture of two elephants. Last year, though, the water seeped out after the city filled it.

While no one could detect the source of the leak, the city paid a contractor $144,600 to put down bentonite, a clay that expands when wet, in an attempt to fix the problem.

But that expensive fix apparently hasn’t solved it.

Leist said the fountain itself could be the source, although Carmine Menduni, president of Columbus Art Memorial, which installed the fountain, said it’s not.

He said the area around the fountain was holding the water after the bentonite was put down. The fountain weighs 750,000 pounds, he said.

The company turned on the fountain on Friday to test it for 72 hours.

“Everything is working correctly,” Menduni said. “(But) to have a fountain, you have to have water.”

City officials are to meet with representatives of the Friends of Goodale Park and others to discuss what to do next, Leist said.


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