Monday, December 26, 2011

my special christmas greetings to you

The holidays are here, our house is full.
The family is complete (Ghetto has come home too! YAY!)  

There's a turkey in the oven, a Christmas pudding 
ready to steam, crackers to be pulled, 
fires to be lit, games to be played, stockings 
to delve into, gifts to unwrap.   

Soft music in the background, 
champagne is poured, 
perfume dabbed behind ears,
and pretty dresses slipped on.

I won't be blogging for a couple of days; this is a time to
enjoy precious family, but I would like to thank you all.

Thank you for reading me during this year;
thank you for leaving me comments and sending me emails;
thank you for inspiring me to write;

thank you to all those who came to 
visit us here in Normandy, 
it has been a pleasure and a privilege getting to know you.

Gibson and Ghetto join me and the whole family in wishing 
you all a very joyeux noël, 
and may the new year be kind to us all.

(PS.  the dogs hope you like their very kitsch card - you can't imagine what 
it took to get this shot - I should have done a 'making of!!)


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