Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sit down and take a pause

Sit down and take a pause.

Forget about the to-do list; you know most is done by now anyway.  Stop worrying about the meal, the size of the gifts, your christmas colour scheme ..... Sit back and think of all the gifts you have received this year that can't be wrapped in pretty paper.

The laughter of your children;  the strength of your partner;  the companionship of your closest friend.

Remember those moments that have stopped you in your tracks with their unexpected beauty.  A sunset; a painting; a puppy; a bouquet.

This christmas when our world is looking shaky, when times are tough for so many, lets remember the gifts we can give no matter how rich or modest we feel.  Lets be kind to one another, pay compliments, encourage, congratulate and say ... thank you.

Take a pause.


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