Friday, April 13, 2012

Too Bad! Too Bad!

     Hello everyone. So sorry for late posting. I actually would update this blog 2 days ago. But what we plan to do is not always running smooth as what we hope, right?

     yep, I was decorating bulletin board at the Campus when earthquake happened. It was the first earthquake of the year, perhaps. Nobody thought it would happen. Shocking. wow.. You know, Sumatera island has history of many big earthquakes in Indonesia. It happens almost every year in Sumatera, especially at "Aceh" and "West Sumatera" regions. And... the earthquake 2 days ago made the wireless connection at my campus in the trouble. That's why I'm late to update this blog. Too bad!
     Another problem. Cobie-kun's (My phone's name) Camera was error since last week! Guess what? I could not take photos as usual. I could not take nature photos, my self photos, or random thing photos or my self photos or... my self photos! Urrgghhh... as a narcissistic-man, could not taking self portrait made me really sick! Too Bad! Too Bad! :))



Now, I try to save my money as much as I can.
I wish I could buy a new camera this month.
Wish me luck, everyone!
See you in the next post!
Toowhit Toowhoo...!


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