Thursday, December 3, 2009

I completed a little decor makeover project , I have always believed that if its not the right color that is an easy fix .

I was given this very thoughtful gift a few years ago , although it is nice it is very much not my style , its brown and burgundy , I though maybe it was in need of a makeover so that it seemed to belong in my house...instead of stick out like a sore thumb...I am not a traditionalist in Christmas decor obviously...

I lightened it up and simplified the scheme , I removed the mittens and garland , painted the sleigh a soft blue and the mittens a cream and hot glued them back on.

I completed my stripe treatment yesterday , it was not without drama , dodging the hanging light was a challenge , then knocking the can of paint off the ladder and spilling it all over my new landing and denting my new flooring there was rather annoying , NOOOOO!!! could be heard by many a neighbour I'm sure , next time remember "DROP CLOTH ".

I am really digging the addition of the stripes , especially here where there are a few more rows ...


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