Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Time is ticking away , there are a few short hours before our Christmas begins , we celebrate my families Christmas here tomorrow night , we open gifts and enjoy good food and drinks and most importantly time together.
I am cleaning and getting all things ready for our visitors, we are having a PJ party this year , I figured this would be fun and practical since then all can tuck into bed when they get home late on Christmas Eve.

I added this white crushed stone to my candle jar , then embellished it with blue ribbon and a K ornament , I think it resembles snow ...

The girls and I made these simple fun ornaments , did you know foam balls are really over priced , I hate that...

Here is my ornament , of course it must be soft blues and white ...
Menu for tomorrow night
{remember these are snacks not dinner , I hope no one comes with a full belly}
~shrimp and cocktail sauce
~pizza appetizers
~mac and cheese { I have perfected my recipe}
~baked broccoli dip
~deviled eggs { a classic and often overlooked , yummy}
~sugar cookies with royal icing
~glazed lemon bunt cake
Sounds like a full day in the kitchen doesn't it ?


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