Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wonderful Christmas

We had a lovely Christmas day here at home , the girls are older now and i said they couldn't wake us until 8:00am , so promptly at 8:00 they got us up , they were so thrilled with all of their gifts , I am always so glad when they like the gifts I spent so much time debating over . Here is Sophie making bracelets with a kit I picked up . She also loved the drums I bought her , this kid loves to drum all the time , so I figured it was time for some drums , with volume control.

Late Christmas night we drove to my in-laws house to get a head start on our boxing day gatherings , here the four cousins modelled their furry hats from Grandma and Grandpa.
Our girls got a WII from them as well , they have been playing it all day now.

Here is my niece with the towel I made for her , it is a little family joke .

And Sophie with her pink fox hat , so adorable.

The two girls set the table and made lovely place cards while we rested , good girls.
It was a great Christmas with with family , now it is time to get all these things put away and time to take down all the Christmas decor .


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