Thursday, January 21, 2010

Eva is loved

{Oma with Eva}
Her name is Eva. 1pound

All babies touch our hearts , we love them well before they arrive , too many babies are lost to those who love them , missed by those who needed them .

We were together ,as we are for celebration we are there in times of loss and sadness .
Saying good bye is so hard .

Thankfully my sister in law made it through the delivery without any medical complications , with her last birth we were really scared because of her grave health due to HELLP ,thankfully there were no problems with bleeding , especially since she has been on blood thinners for the entire pregnancy which was a great relief. A little bit of grace.

We shared this experience regardless of how painful it is , we all need to stand by each other in these hard times .

The nurse was truly amazing , she treated Eva with the same dignity and respect any and all babies deserve , she called her princess . I am still in awe of her , this being a hospital that deals with a large number of high risk pregnancies they have an increased number of still births so they know exactly how to handle these situations and make them as gentle as possible. Being through two such sad arrivals with my brother and his wife , this wonderful care makes all the difference.

There were 5 other families experiencing the same painful loss along with ours that night.

We all spent time with her ,we got to dress her swaddle her , love her , take photos of her , we will always remember our time together.
I thank you for all your love and well wishes , you amaze me , so many of you have suffered the loss of a baby , I am so sorry for that .
Thank you for surrounding me with support.
Eva 01/19/10 and Bella 01/02/09 sisters together forever , rest in peace babies.


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