Tuesday, June 14, 2011

mon bouquet du jour

 Had fun this morning, home from the fair.  So nice to find the house 
clean and tidy - bless my family! - but wanted to renew the flowers.

I love arranging flowers in this old soup tureen.  The lid was shattered years ago,
but it's graceful curves and generous bowl make it ideal for showing roses from the garden.

 Sometimes I use florist foam for positioning the stems, but today I had none, 
and instead I crumpled a piece of chicken wire into the bowl.

In the garden I cut different varieties of roses, pink spiraea, fading climbing
hydrangea, purple sage and annual poppies.  I assembled on the
terrace because there were petals everywhere.

And voila!  10 minutes of pleasure cutting and arranging,  then hopefully 
almost a week to enjoy them indoors.

PS -   I just had to show you this baby - new in my garden.  Growing up
the wall of  the guest cottage actually,   a rose called Polka.  Don't you
love the subtle colour and the fluffy petals?


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