Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I decided that the balls were destined for the exterior decor , the window box .

I have experienced that leaving window boxes empty over the winter the soil will splash up in the rain and cause quite a mess, so I have dealt with it by covering the soil with garbage bags . I then added wired pine garland and attached it with wired floral picks because we are sure to get some nasty storms throughout the winter. I also attached wired picks to the blue and silver unbreakable balls and poked them into the soil.

I took the hanging basket piece I bought myself for mother's day and attached a wreath to it and propped it up by the front entry , the wreath I had fit perfectly ...
as you can see no snow so far , just a little rain , the sun sure is in hiding these days , that really brings me down... but I am feeling a little more upbeat after cleaning the house a little bit ...

I took two picks and twisted them together and covered them with floral tape and used this to secure the garland into the window box...

I attached two picks to each grapevine ball...re-enforcing them with floral wire...

Easy enough ...

This is my floral kit , it contains wired picks, floral tape , pliers , elastic bands ,and 18 gauge wire , I love floral projects , so much so I did all our wedding flowers because I didn't trust anyone else to create the simple arrangements I was after , I also did my Mother in law's wedding flowers , a sister law's wedding flowers and table arrangement for 20 tables , my Mom's wedding bouquet's after I saw the ones created for her I ran out and made her new ones that were up to the standard we had agreed upon with the venue , as well as recently doing my sister in law's 4oth birthday arrangements , I love to do flowers oh I do...
My real problem is I am missing my husband , he has been in Los Angeles for the last 6 days on a business trip , I am feeling a little lonely , I don't know ho people do this over a long period of time , I don't make a good single mom , or single person I suppose , I have been with my husband since I was 19 , it feels slightly like I am missing a limb these days, but he is coming home tonight , we are all looking forward to seeing our boy again :)

I found these lovely vine balls , but where do I put them?

I was thinking maybe here above this porch wall ...

Or should I hang them in these three front windows ...? any thoughts ....?

Chicken parm casserole , I made a huge casserole , but I had only one to feed so I invited my Mom my brother and his wife over for dinner , a little impromptu dinner .

Here is my new casserole , I used my left over BBQ chicken , a jar of sauce , a container of ricotta , mozzarella and Parmesan , I am calling it {chicken parm casserole }

I have not felt so inspired lately , it could be a lack of funds or burnout or maybe a combo if both .

Maybe I will put up my Christmas tree today ? we'll see..


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