Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where have I been ?

A little tweaking restored balance to the dining room , there is nothing like something being "off " to drive a detail oriented person a little batty... the dining table is no longer crammed unusually close to the window , I am not one to push a table out of the way , it deserves its rightful space , an electrician will not determine where best my furniture will go...a little cord extension and a hook solved my problem , thanks to the suggestion of a reader.

With Christmas looming my mind has been very focused on Christmas lists , getting things started , especially my Christmas list , I am glad to say things are going well .
But this has left me little time or energy for projects , in fact I have been hesitant to start any kind of project , but I can feel something stirring , I think this week may be fruitful , let's hope because I have quite a list...two chairs for Grandma and Grandpa to be re-painted and re-upholstered , a couple of towels to customize , wrapping , and perhaps re-building the front hall closet into an open bench area with loads of hooks shelves and baskets...???

I did do a couple of things this weekend and even had a little help from the husband , my frightful lighting experience {here} has left me a lot more cautious , and after living with my dining room light in the wrong location and too short for comfort , I am happy to share I dealt with my problem , a reader suggested lengthening my cord by adding new wiring and chain and hiding the mess with my scrunchie cord cover , well it was the perfect trick indeed. I actually moved it out even more than before and I no longer need to shimmy behind the dining table , it looks so spacious . I am still on the look out for my forever fixture , but nothing has fit the bill as of yet , these things can take time...but until then I think I will treat myself to some magnetic chandelier crystals I found at Home depot the other day , a little sparkle might be nice...

I hit the pool store today to talk about the cost of installing an in ground pool , we have talked often about how we would love a pool , we want a preform fiberglass pool , our ground here is awful for the traditional type , turns out it will be $40,000.00 plus to get our way , so we will have to see what the future holds and whether this will be our long term home ...that is still up in the air right now...the pools I saw in the brochure are fantastic , lots of variety , many different style and shapes to choose from in our size range , with lots of neat ledges which are great for kids , and the big bonus is that the dogs can swim and enjoy the pool with us ... still not ready to jump in and make that decision , sure would be nice especially with the kids getting older it may be the right choice to keep them around...

Sorry I have been a slacker , and hope you have been well...see you soon with more to come , I promise.


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