Sunday, November 15, 2009

Photo shoot

A commenter asked if I photoshop , well no I don't , but it made me go back and take another look at my pictures from yesterday and so used my Kodak program that I use to download my pics , and I enhanced my pictures , can you see the difference? the nice thing about Kodak is that is is a one click enhancement with many options no hard at all.

After getting the girls school photos back and hearing that they were not happy with how they turned out , I thought we could give it a shot....I would take them out to some outdoor locations before all the fall leaves were gone and try it on my own.

So after dragging my tween daughter away from her friends {she tried to get out of it} we set off to find a couple of locations , I remembered an abandoned old church with great brick and our local pond area, both great backdrops...

I love how the wind blew her hair , oh and great news , they both found photos from our shoot to love...

This is my favorite of Sophie.

Favorite of Mason.

She even admitted it was a little fun , I will attest it looked like she was having more than a little fun , shhh don't tell her friends!

Isn't that a great little building ? the kid is great too , don't get me wrong...

Why didn't I think of this sooner , and wait this is my fave of Mason.

Hope you enjoyed our little photo shoot , much easier to capture their personalities in an hour or two than two poses in the gym ! and it costs nothing...


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