Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sophie sitting on the "sophia" couch from Urban Barn , this is a great choice for our future lounge we have planned for the basement , we can build the room to fit this baby...

Aren't these such fun pillows...

Great Christmas ideas , hint hint...hubby

I love these little cube tables that double as small dog or cat houses , adorable...

I love this small wing chair in this brown linen , for around $600.00 it is a nice updated wing...

This was my fave , a numbered key holder , I am so mad it is blurry , I WANT THAT ...

I thought ya'll would just love this table with wheels...$200.00...

These fantastic mirrors , not that I need any more , but these are beauties ...
We had a girl day , went to the doctor, and not "bad" news but Sophie is still allergic to peanuts , but that is OK because we know how to deal with that , it was just worth checking it out ...we went shopping , as you could see , only bought a few little trinkets , went to a burger joint we had never before tried , a little grocery shopping and picked up Sophie a new pair of shoes for $4.94 and now home , some times a doctor appt is a good excuse for a day off with your mom ...

gonna go try and get rid of these little grey hairs that I am now so blessed to be getting , its hard to feel young when I see grey hairs on MY head...how can that be I still feel 25...


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