My Collection Review Home Decorating


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.


My Collection Review Home Decorating.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

A daybed in the making

There would have been nothing wrong with leaving this as it was for the one whole day but there is nothing like making something better .
This looks pretty crappy actually .

Ok this looks pretty crappy too , but I assure you it will look adorable .

Getting there ....

Here is a close-up of the end of the bed , I am so glad I figured I could work with what I have because the alternative is a $1500.00 PB Teen bed , which actually I can not even buy if I had the money because they don't ship across the border , this make-over cost a mere $65.00 , what a bargain .

It really is coming along smoothly , here it is after lots of v-groove actually only two large packages in fact , 4 smallish fence post finials to add the finishing touch , lots of primer and soon a couple of coats of warm white .
Tomorrow the finished bed , I am almost sure of it .

God's Math

Mat 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Mat 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.
Mat 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

I don't know how many times I have said, "God's math and my math are not the same." He does so much more with the 90% tithers have left over than they could have done with 100% if they would have disobeyed Him.

When I would try to pull the wool over my dad's eyes as a kid, he would say, "It just doesn't add up." Though the Lord isn't bound to the rules of classroom math, the sum is always correct. Additionally, there is usually a remainder.

We have tried to make a budget, but we always end up tossing it out because of the amazing ways He blesses beyond our means. He is so good at taking our few loaves and fishes and multiplying them beyond the need. We end up having several baskets full of leftovers.

I love His amazing math. Now, if I never had to help my kids work an algebra problem again, I would be thrilled!

Creating a daybed

Friday, July 30, 2010

Hot off the presses

Hot off the ironing press that is , I finally got around to sewing the sink skirt I have been meaning to make , see I hate our pedestal sink it is not a cute vintage inspired number it is just plain ugly , I thought a skirt would help pretty it up , and it would provide a hiding spot for the ugly stuff like the plunger and toilet bowl scrubber .
What a breath of fresh air for our smallest and windowless room.

I simply used super sticky Velcro , it said it wasn't recommended for fabric , that do they know , I simply stitched it down after sticking it on , it worked so well.

I measured out the width I needed by measuring the sink with a piece of ribbon , I then pinned the ribbon to the ironing board and made sure I made folds to properly fit the width I would need.

Just a little fabric a little patient measuring and ironing and a little bit of Velcro and sewing , I needed three packages of 18" long Velcro I got that at Home Depot , and the skirt was 32" long .

Happy Weekend !

Junn Series #1 – Pertemuan dengan teman baru

 You Guys...
Sebenarnya saya belum terlalu berani posting tulisan sembarangan...
Coz masih takut pembajakan...
Hoho... Tapi, berhubung ini bakal dijadikan cerita serial, jadi saya rasa kalo ada yang mau membajak, dia/mereka tidak akan bisa berkutik, coz gak tau kelanjutan cerita aslinya gimana. [LOL]
Hehe. Met baca deh....

-----Junn Series #1 – Pertemuan dengan teman baru-----

 “Junn! Udah setengah tujuh!”
     “Iya, ma. Bentar!” Junn menyahut sambil mengikat tali sepatunya. Dengan gesit, ia berlari ke arah garasi. Saat melewati meja makan, masih sempat mencomot roti selai stroberi yang sejak tadi di siapkan mama.
     “Pergi dulu ma, Assalamualaikum!” Ujarnya sambil mengecup pipi dan tangan mamanya, kemudian masuk ke mobil. Tanpa menunggu, Papa menyalakan mobil dan menjauh.

     Indahnya pagi di kota padang. Langit masih pucat. Matahari masih mendengkur berselimut awan di langit timur. Seberkas cahayanya yang luput terselimut menyembul, berusaha menampakkan keindahannya walaupun samar, membekas berupa bias.

     Udara masih sejuk, belum terkontaminasi oleh debu dan asap-asap kendaraan. Suara burung masih terdengar, walaupun semakin lemah seiring semakin merang
kaknya jarum menit. Rumput-rumput dan pohon-pohon masih segar. Kadangkala masih terlihat ujung-ujungnya berkilau-kilau, karena cahaya menembus butiran embun.

     Tanpa sadar, Junn tersenyum sendiri. Hari ini adalah hari pertamanya masuk sekolah setelah setengah bulan lalu kelulusannya di SMP. Dan ternyata, Mama serta Papanya telah mendaftarkannya ke sebuah SMA di padang. Mulanya ia kaget saat mengetahuinya. Gila, sekolah di Padang! Kota yang amat jauh dari rumahnya, Jambi!

     Yah, walaupun sudah 15 tahun, ia tetap merasa sulit untuk jauh dari orang tuanya. Ia merasa masih belum cukup mandiri untuk hidup sendiri di usianya itu. Apalagi ia adalah seorang anak perempuan. Apa Papa dan Mama tidak berpikir betapa bahanya anak perempuan sendirian di kota besar?  Namun, ternyata ia salah mengira, sebab ternyata orangtuanya juga telah lama merencanakan pindah rumah ke Padang. Terbukti dengan telah selesainya rumah baru mereka beberapa bulan yang lalu. Artinya, Junn tak perlu khawatir.

     Yang mungkin menjadi sedikit masalah ialah, ia harus berpisah dengan sahabat-sahabatnya di Jambi. Walaupun  hanya berlangsung tiga tahun selama masa SMP, tapi Junn merasa sudah terlalu dekat dengan mereka, bahkan rasanya sudah seperti saudara. Karenanya, ia merasa sedikit sedih. Yah, paling tidak ia masih bisa berkirim email dengan mereka.

     Masalah lainnya ialah, ia baru pindah ke Padang 2 hari yang lalu dan langsung masuk sekolah hari ini. Otomatis ia belum punya teman. Sebenarnya tak masalah, karena ia tipe anak yang mudah bergaul. Sayangnya, ia merasa sedikit gugup bila berada di suatu tempat tanpa kenal dengan seorangpun.
     Junn kaget. “Ada apa, Pa?”
     “Ada tabrakan,”
     Junn membuka jendela mobil. Sebuah angkot berhenti di atas sebuah trotoar. Bagian depannya penyok, menempel di sebuah tiang iklan.

     Terdengar bunyi ribut dari penumpangnya. Mereka keluar dari angkot sambil mengomel. Beberapa orang mengeluh dan mengaduh. Ada yang kaget, ada yang shok. Anak kecil yang digendong ibunya malah sampai menangis histeris. Tampaknya tak ada yang terluka. Hanya kecelakaan kecil saja.

     Tiba-tiba pandangannya tertumbuk pada seorang gadis berjilbab lebar dan berseragam putih abu-abu seperti dirinya, yang berdiri mengaduh sambil memegangi lututnya. Roknya robek di bagian itu, dan samar-samar kelihatan bernoda darah.

     “Astaghfirullah Alazim!” bisiknya sambil membuka pintu mobilnya. Sebentar ia meraih lengan gadis itu dan membantunya masuk ke mobil.
     “Pa, minta obat merahnya!” Ujar nya cepat. Dari laci kecil di sebelah setir, Papanya mengeluarkan obat merah beserta kapas, dan menyerahkannya pada Junn.
     Dengan cekatan ia membersihkan luka gadis itu, kemudian mengobatinya dengan obat merah. Ternyata pengalamannnya mengikuti ekstra kurikuler Palang Merah Remaja banyak juga gunanya.
     “Ouhh…” Gadis itu meringis sambil berusaha menahan perih.
     “Maaf, sakit ya?” Tanya Jun sambil meniup-niup lutut gadis itu. “Namanya siapa?”
     “Aku Junn. Nah, lukamu sudah diobati, mungkin nanti siang sudah kering. Eh, kamu sekolah di mana, Ri? Biar aku antar,”
     “Aku… Aku sekolah di SMA Bunga Bangsa,”
     “Wah, sama. Kalo gitu kita berangkat bareng aja,”
     Riri mengangguk, sambil mengucapkan terima kasih.
    Sepanjang jalan,Junn bercakap-cakap dengan Riri. Tentang Bangunan-bangunan di pinggir jalan, tentang alamat masing-masing, malah saling tukar nomor Handphone segala. Dan ternyata Riri juga baru masuk kelas sepuluh, sama seperti dirinya.

     “Pergi dulu, Pa. Assalamu’alaikum,”
     “Pergi dulu, Pak. Assalamu’alaikum,”
     “Wa ‘alaikum Salam. Hati-hati lukanya, Ri.” Ujar Papa Junn, dan mobil kijang hitam itu pun perlahan menjauh.
    Junn merangkul lengan Riri, membantunya melangkah. Luka memar di lututnya membuat jalannya sedikit pincang.
    “Ayo, Ri. Nggak usah terburu-buru. Nanti lukanya tambah sakit”
    “GREEEKKK!!!!!” Terdengar sebuah bunyi nyaring. Junn dan Riri terperanjat.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where He Leads, He Feeds and Where He Guides, He Provides.

Mat 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

The above "platitudes" are much more than that. They are a reality for the Christian. You can always trust the Lord to bring you through what He brings you to.

It was the Spirit of the Lord that led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

We pray, rightfully so, to be led not into temptation, but to be delivered from evil. But there are times when we have to face adversity so that we can learn complete dependence on the Lord.

The leading of Jesus into the wilderness included much discomfort and deprivation. It was a desolate place. He had no food, no fellowship and much evil.

But God had reasons for Jesus' discomfort. His victorious stand against temptation and evil is an example and encouragement to us today. We know we have a high priest who was tempted in every area, like we are, yet He did not sin. Therefore He is able to help us as we face such temptation.

Look to the Savior for example and for the power to resist evil. If He brings you to it, He can bring you through it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time for change

A lot of things have changed in this home over the years but nothing has changed more than my children , my how they change in the blink of an eye , all you mothers know , it really seems like one day they are babies and the next day pre-teens , challenging moments all along, many days of breaking points and joy and laughter and tears .
This picture was taken sometime in 2004 I believe, it was their Dad's first trip away from them in this house , they were wearing his t-shirts to feel him close to them , how sweet.

This picture was taken one night when the fireworks were going off , they were being so silly together , making each other laugh , I love those times most of all , these days there is more fighting between them than anything else , but when they get along there is nothing better , I know they will be great friends always , these next few years just might be a bump in the road.

Sophie as she is now
How much they have grown , and they need change in their environment too , it is boring to be living in the same old room , although of course I have made changes over the years with them at the wheel with my guidance , I really feel your room should reflect you , after all I painted my most hated wall colour, orange for this little lady but I convinced her a sherbert shade of orange was best.

Mason as she is now , growing up too fast stuck between girl and teenager
Sometimes it is hard to recognize your own children , how could my daughter be as tall as me at the age of 12 , boggles my mind .
She always wanted bunk beds and two years ago we got the single over double kind , but it turns out no one wanted to sleep in the top sleepovers would end up with multiple kids on the bottom bunk , and she was wanting a change , so today we tackled a little bit of re-arranging, like moving her triple armoire and dresser , removing the top bunk and switching most things around, it is a good thing my girl is the same size because I couldn't have done it without her , she is strong thankfully.
I turned out quite well we just need to work on the decor and organization , she wants new bedding , which she needs , I am trying to convince her PBteen is her best option and not Roxy , I like PB cotton bedding better than synthetics. We are going to Buffalo next week and I am hoping to find something great there at PBteen or Tj maxx or Home goods .

I MADE her take an extra mattress for this bed although she did not want her bed any higher it needed it . Turns out she likes it , and maybe I knew what I was talking about , I totally snuck the second mattress into place hoping she wouldn't notice and revolt. We took the top bunk and are creating a daybed for little sis , so we had an extra double mattress it worked out well.

I think it is just fine for a kids room to look like a kids room and not a show room , she loves her posters and that is just fine with me , she has a little crush on Justin Bieber , she was telling me how she likes to have a room full of stuff ,yikes, it makes her feel warm and cozy , I bet!
If it makes her happy I am fine with that .
Here is where the top bunk ended up , I have been trying to convince Sophie a daybed would be best for room as it is only 9 x 10 approx, this single bed would free up a lot of space compared to the double bed , she worried it wouldn't be enough space to sleep in a single, she went right from a crib to a double bed. but something turned and she began to accept that a daybed may be nice , so we have the twin bunk here sideways and it makes a huge difference in the space and feel of the room , I am going to alter this bed to add a back and sides with bead board to make it look very alike to a PB Teen bed Sophie likes.

Here the girls were trying out the extra space doing cartwheels and stretches , so far so good , both girls are thrilled , but they have longer lists like new bedding , and new paint colours and Mason even wants me to cover her walls with v-groove , which I would love to do when funds permit ...

So me and my aching muscles are taking a break from a whirlwind move and re-arrange day , I'm just glad they like their rooms again , there is nothing like a good old re-arrange once in a while.

Named in the Top Ten

Our hometown, Mount Pleasant, SC, recently received one of the All-America City (AAC) awards, a title that's given to only ten cities across the United States. Each year, the National Civic League selects cities that demonstrate innovation in the areas of improving education, job creation, community revitalization, reduction in crime, work with youth and much more.

Each AAC finalists tells their community story, lists two of their most pressing challenges and three outstanding community projects. This year, we had the privilege of hearing the Town of Mount Pleasant called out in Kansas City!

Great things that are taking place in this incredible town of ours. . . but it's also a reminder of the many opportunities we have to give of our time, gifts and resources. Want to get involved in a great ministry or charity? Here just a few to consider, but there are many more that would love our helping hands and support!

John, a Great Preacher

Mat 3:1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, etc.

Jesus, in Matt 11:11 says that John the Baptist was the greatest man ever born. What made him so great?

1. He was willing to preach where conditions were difficult. He preached in the wilderness. He didn't have the advantage of a prestigious pulpit. He didn't even have a name of import. When he was born, his dad wrote, "his name is John," and everybody argued. Yet, that is what God chose.

2. His message was straightforward, "Repent!" There was no pussyfooting with this preacher. He laid the axe to the root of the trees and let the chips fall where they may. He was more than just a preacher, he was a prophet.

3. He preached Jesus, not himself. He demanded that he must decrease and that Christ must increase. He was not the hero of his own stories, but Jesus was lifted up.

4. He was humble. He told all of his admirers that he wasn't even worthy to untie Jesus' sandals. He felt unworthy to baptize the Lord.

5. He was simple. This evangelist had no Lear jets, no grand mansions, and no flashy clothes. He subsisted on locusts and honey and dressed in a scant camel hair girdle.

6. He wasn't afraid to call sin what it was. He gave it to the religious crowd and to Herod. He didn't go easy on the soldiers either. In the end, he lost his head for his straightforwardness.

7. He had a voice that carried enough for hundreds, even thousands to hear. Now that's lifting up the voice like a trumpet.

8. He was obedient to the Lord. Vs 15 says "he suffered him," meaning, he did what Jesus told him, even though everything in him went against it.

9. He had a key part in pleasing the Lord. 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

I can think of a few more reasons John was a great preacher: He was a Baptist preacher. He was an honest country boy. He had a relationship with Jesus. (They were cousins).

If Jesus were to sum up our lives and ministries, would He also find such kind words for us as He did for John?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Isa 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

What are you thirsty for?

Appetites are cultivated. We are told to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. That verse teaches us to develop their appetites for the right things. If a baby's palette is trained to appreciate veggies, guess what? They will enjoy them later in life.

I drink diet colas. Some people just can't stand the aftertaste, but I am used to it. My thirst for sodas used to mean about 400-500 calories per day. Since I have begun my new habit of diet sodas 17 years ago, I have avoided over 3 million calories that I would have consumed by drinking sugared pop.

I know, I know, no pop is good for you. Just please allow me to revel a bit in my avoidance of sugar in liquid form!

It is summertime now. The heat is oppressive and the thirst is excessive. A guy/gal has to stay hydrated while working outside or he's/she's in for a world of hurt.

So, what do you grab when you are thirsty? Good old fashioned water? Pop? Tea? Gatorade?

How about your thirsts in life? What do you grab when you need some soulful satisfaction? Is it truly satisfying or are you left with an even greater thirst?

Jesus said “blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Perhaps your palette hasn't been accustomed to desire righteousness. TV, entertainment, pleasure and the like are such a part of life in our culture that we long for them to quench our thirst, but alas, they leave us high and dry, longing for something more satisfying.
Jesus is offering you an invitation to come and freely drink of satisfying
soul water. There is no cost. He asks us why we would spend our resources
for that which can never satisfy.

Thirsty? Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Back at painting

So what do you think of my new additions , two arch top mirrors , they were honey pine , yucky yuck , I thought a few dozen watered down coats of robins egg blue would bring them into my beachy world.

They can't stay though , they actually are for sale , let me know if you are interested , they must be for local pick up only .....

I have had this old caddy for some time , I use it to hold pencils normally , but I was thinking it would look nice painted blue .
I am keeping the box but I will have a lovely coffee table up for sale very soon , it is so lovely .

I thinned out the paint to a really watery consistency and painted it over and over layer after layer , then I sanded it off lightly and waxed it with paste wax to bring out a nice sheen.

Whatever Happened to Lindsay & Dan?

Just an update from their agent--

Lindsay had been contributing to this blog on her experiences with the sale of their home. They had JUST put it on the market. Then we all got too busy to continue the thread.

They received a strong purchase offer on their home one week after it was listed. They reached a meeting of the minds not long after and it went under contract. The Home Inspection was without incident and they expect to close the first week of August.

Why So Easy? Two Transactions, Incident-Free & Hassle-Free

Finally, two transactions that were incident-free and hassle-free. How and why did this happen? I'd like to hear from readers what were the characteristics of their smoothest real estate transaction ever.

In these two transactions, like all my transactions, I was careful to note phone calls, keep emails, notes from personal meetings, receipts, address requests for information as quickly as possible and respond to phone calls as quickly as possible.

In the first, I was selling my home. In the second I was buying a replacement home. In the first, my home wasn't actually on the market, another agent came to me because our home fit the needs of her client. At first request, having previously considered selling we gave an asking price, and verbally agreed to what we would accept, though the terms needed to be defined. We were not able to agree to the buyers' requested terms because we didn't have a home selected that would replace our current home. So we weren't able to reach agreement.

Two months later, however, we did find a home that met our needs. We acted on it immediately, at the same time going back to the aent who brought us the original offer to find out if her clients were still interested. They were. We accepted their offer and their original terms.

In the second, the purchase of what we hoped would be our replacement home, we looked at the home almost the first day it went on the market and put in our strong offer almost that day. There were other offers submitted and we immediately agreed to increase our offer price. Our offer was accepted, and we moved forward with both transactions.

What actually happened along the way to keep the transactions running smoothly?... more to come in a follow up post.

And by the way, I just don't buy this premise put forth in Wired Magazine: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.05/realestate.html

Not Forgotten

Isa 49:14 But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me.
Isa 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Isa 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands

The older we get, the more forgetful we tend to become. We need reminders. The calendar application in my Droid keeps me abreast of important appointments. I also have a voice recorder application and a post it note application, both of which are invaluable in keeping me appraised.

Notes pinned to the refrigerator by magnets keep us aware also.

You remember having notes pinned to your shirt by the teacher so your parents could be made aware of important notice?

And then, there was the ribbon or the rubber band applied to your finger so you wouldn't forget something.

God never forgets, yet, just to assure us of His enduring attention, He tells us that He has engraved our names on the palms of His hands. I guess we could say that He keeps our names "handy."

What, were you thinking God has forgotten you as you face your present trials? Not hardly! Feeling forsaken in your struggle for worth and recognition? Bah! As one writer said, if God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. Oh, how mindful He is of His kids!

red velvet and special FX

We ended up here yesterday on the third floor of the Clarington Visual Arts Center , it was amazing to see such an old building , the beams are something else , it was hot hot up there on the thrid floor ...but very cool indeed.

We had some guests yesterday for a BBQ and I thought it would be fitting to make some of my cupcakes , but why not try something new , red velvet , I hear such good things about it , all I did was use a vanilla cake mix and add a tbsp of cocoa and a tbsp of vinegar to the mix as per instructions, and red food coloring paste , they turned out very yummy , light and fluffy.

I even got to use my newest cake stand.

After lunch we headed off to Bowmanville a couple or towns away to the visual arts centre , they were showing a vast collection of Hollywood magic , Gordon Smith's personal collection of ghoulish friends, fascinating really . This is the first time these pieces have been shown and here of all places , how could we miss it , my husband has always love special effects I didn't want him to miss it .

Creepy yet cool people.The detail to hair is amazing , each hair is poked into place, even nose hair and beard stubble , every hair , eye lashes ...

I must admit I am not familiar with most of these characters , couldn't tell you what movie this guy is from ?? you know ?

Meet my new best friend , I think it was a bat/cow , wouldn't he look cute over a fire place. Good news no nightmares were had I am happy to report.

So if you are near by and a movie lover you want to hurry up and get on over because this show closes in 2 days ...while you are there you can check out the Bowmanville zoo and the charming downtown too . Clarington Visual Arts Centre

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another lamp slipcover

These flowers are still looking lovely, they were from last weeks photo shoot they look so pretty in my new blue jar, behind them is a jar of thistles in a jar that they left for me as well , Jessica saw how much I loved it , as well she left me a big bottle of liquid soap from France , which is just so kind.
Did I ever show you a close-up of my brackets holding up this beam , I sanded them lightly to expose the lovely rough texture I think it is so charming .

I felt badly that I hadn't produced any kind of home decor project this past week , with a house full of kids on summer break this doesn't leave me a whole lot of time to do "my" thing, but yesterday I started a new linen slipcover for my new modern lamp I picked up at Wal-mart , I did like the overall look but it was a cheap looking shade , and I love linen and I had linen here.

Here it is after I had sewn the seam with the rough cut edge, I then cut strips about and inch and a half wide long enough to make a nice binding for both top and bottom ,after ironing those and pining them onto the fabric while it is on the shade I sew it with the machine , two rows of stitching , then slip it on , voila.

Easy right!

I think it is a BIG improvement.

Happy weekend. Would you try this project , does it "seam" easy to you ?

I want to wish my husband's sister and her very soon to be husband the very best adventure in Mexico , they are going to get married there in a couple of days and we can't join them but we wish them the very best.
Have a safe trip ,
Lot's of love and best wishes

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