Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer lazy dayz

Summer lazy days have taken over , it started out with a couple of hard core shopping spree's , as Mason had saved for a year and was ready to spend and spend she did , this followed by a couple more shopping trips brought on by monetary birthday gifts , these girls love nothing more than shopping for clothes , for me its like torture maybe if I was a size 0 and could wear short shorts it would be fun for me too ,but of course I could shop for home decor and furniture all day though . Don't worry she will not being going out in those shoes with those shorts any time soon .

I thought it would be nice to document some outfits , but I got a lot of resistance from the little one.

My 12 year old is soon going to be the same height as me without the heels, she is only about an inch shorter right now , that amazes me , I guess it is a safe bet she will be a great deal taller then me , but then again I am only 5'2" .

Silly bandz have also been making a big appearance , we had a late start , we had no idea what these were that is until mason stayed home one day from school and saw a story about it on Good Morning America , I have found these at of all places the dollar store .
I think she can take the blame for this new trend catching on here with her friends then so on and so on .

Since we have been going through a major heatwave we have been getting a lot of use out of our backyard pool we would have been shut ins without it , I even went swimming or dipping a few times myself . Sophie does this crazy surfing standing on a pool bed , it is hilarious.

I have been battling the heat , trying to keep my precious plants from harm ,trying to keep everything properly quenched.

And although most of my days are spent making food and cleaning up dishes I have been able to squeak in some finishing touches in the master bath , I just never got around to adding this top piece of trim that is on my to do list today .
We are finally getting some rain , a rain day is much appreciated , but I must admit I have been loving the heat .


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