Thursday, July 15, 2010

Behind the scenes of a magazine shoot.

What a wonderful day , I really didn't know what to expect , and after a mere 4 hours of sleep I was somewhat ready for whatever the day would bring . I got in a little coffee and then my two guests arrived right on time at 9:00 am , I was greeted by two lovely stylish ladies Robin and Jessica and with them a big bucket of the most stunning hydrangeas I had ever seen , they look like someone brushed each petal with a little bit of blue.
The beautiful book Jessica , the stylist , brought , she got it at Indigo's , apparently now on clearance and there are other classic hardcover books in other colours with charming images, they are lovely decor accessories.

Incredible right!

I was truly amazed at how much effort goes into each shot , every element is considered , these two are real pro's and compliment each other so well , they are a real team and a talented duo.
I swear I am not hiding Robin's identity , she is most likely not in hiding...I will try to get a nice shot of her tomorrow.
I love this picture I took of Jessica styling the kitchen , she has a such a great eye , she started styling at the age of 8 in her own room, it is obviously in her blood , styling is my weak spot for sure , but for Jessica it was effortless , it was like she knew what needed to be there, I loved that they scoured the house for items or would ask me is I had a "such and such" and mostly I did .

Moe was a little uneasy about being in lock down , but after a while I was able to let him go and he did just fine , I think he was feeling a little jealous here seeing Dolce get to be in so many shots , kidding he didn't care , he just wanted some of that bag of popcorn that was lying around , my dogs will do anything for popcorn.

A little chaos took over , that's cool ....
Look at this , I would never have come up with this , I asked them to leave it as is , minus the book , dang... look at that bowl of chalk, lovely .

All the while inside so many thought out photo's were taken and right outside 7 little birdies were having a little spa day taking their dirt baths. Can you find them ?, they left these divots in the soil.
Lots what accomplished today , but the girls will be back tomorrow to photograph the upstairs bedroom and bath , and I think the upper hall too, should be another great day , hopefully we will all get a better nights sleep tonight meaning more than 4 hours each.
Hope you enjoyed my little journey through the day of a magazine shoot with me, I feel so blessed to be enjoying this experience.


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