Monday, July 26, 2010

red velvet and special FX

We ended up here yesterday on the third floor of the Clarington Visual Arts Center , it was amazing to see such an old building , the beams are something else , it was hot hot up there on the thrid floor ...but very cool indeed.

We had some guests yesterday for a BBQ and I thought it would be fitting to make some of my cupcakes , but why not try something new , red velvet , I hear such good things about it , all I did was use a vanilla cake mix and add a tbsp of cocoa and a tbsp of vinegar to the mix as per instructions, and red food coloring paste , they turned out very yummy , light and fluffy.

I even got to use my newest cake stand.

After lunch we headed off to Bowmanville a couple or towns away to the visual arts centre , they were showing a vast collection of Hollywood magic , Gordon Smith's personal collection of ghoulish friends, fascinating really . This is the first time these pieces have been shown and here of all places , how could we miss it , my husband has always love special effects I didn't want him to miss it .

Creepy yet cool people.The detail to hair is amazing , each hair is poked into place, even nose hair and beard stubble , every hair , eye lashes ...

I must admit I am not familiar with most of these characters , couldn't tell you what movie this guy is from ?? you know ?

Meet my new best friend , I think it was a bat/cow , wouldn't he look cute over a fire place. Good news no nightmares were had I am happy to report.

So if you are near by and a movie lover you want to hurry up and get on over because this show closes in 2 days ...while you are there you can check out the Bowmanville zoo and the charming downtown too . Clarington Visual Arts Centre


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