Thursday, July 22, 2010

Morning Glories

Did you know it is Hammock day , if you've got one make sure you enjoy it today ...

The garden is filling in so nicely , I swear every spring it seems like the plants will surely not come back , but somehow they do .

I can not believe the difference that 4 weeks makes in plant growth , I love morning glories because they are self sowing , I let them just do their thing , just keep them watered and they will grow and grow.

I love this little spot , to my husband dismay I had him cut in these small square pavers , I love the interest it adds .

I took this pic last evening , I love morning glories with their perfect twists , they are only beautiful in the Morning but they are so magical to me , below the same bloom , look what morning brings.

Perfect little trumpets.

I am definitely enjoying all the hard work that gardening has brought me especially in the evening when the air cools and shade covers the deck , I love to just sit and enjoy the sky in my rocking chair , BLISS


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