Monday, August 2, 2010

Quickcrete path

We are finally nearing the end of the quickcrete path building , for me 6 bags of concretes worth of work is enough for one day , so far we have put three days worth in, which is about 6 hours worth of work really , not any full days, although the quickcrete forms are simple enough to do but it is hard work ,especially on a hot day and all our days this summer have been HOT!
We picked up this large concrete step at Home depot for less than $60.00 , I have seen this same thing for well over $150.00 and if it were real stone hundreds , the nice thing besides the price is that this step is hollow which means it is manageable for my husband and I to lift , not easy but doable.

It is slowly but surely coming along , we need to make more forms to create the extra row for the path.

I added the sand to the gaps today , it completely changed the look which I love ,once it is all together the garden expanded and new plants lining the path it will look great , I will try that treatment of buttermilk and moss painted on to promote moss growth .

I am taking a little break for now , outside landscaping is not for the weak and damn it I'm too tired to do any more ,but I do need to get that bed painting completed tonight , I don't want that dragging on and on.


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