Thursday, December 23, 2010

Actually, I hate snow ....

This is the first time I have ever written a non optimistic-life-is-wonderful post on my blog, but this evening I am tired and disappointed.  Just because of a bit of snow. my brother and his family - who should have come to spend Christmas with us - cannot come and WE ARE NOT PLEASED.

Heathrow airport is A MESS
the tunnel between the UK and France is A MESS
the roads could be A MESS

We are not talking about a metre of snow here, 
but 20cm  or 8" max!!!  I mean, come one, some of you are 
coping with 30" of snow for months on end, but you don't 
cancel Christmas for goodness sake!!

So if you want to pop over from Sydney,  Brisbane, New York, Adelaide, Atlanta, California, Turkey, Texas, Estonia, Pakistan, Buenos Aires, Italy, Arizona, Sudan, Hong Kong or South Africa or one of the other places where
I have been read ...........

there'll be plenty to eat and drink!!

photos thanks to Google images


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