Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Never enough sugar cookies

I got a great deal on new sugar cookie cutters , I needed some new shapes , I also stocked up on some extra tips and couplers as well as disposable bags and a couple of new colours as well, kelly green and teal , so pretty.

Sophie enjoyed helping me out with a batch of sugar cookies , we wanted to make place card cookies for Christmas at Grandma's on boxing day {the day after Christmas}.

I gave Sophie a couple of her own to decorate as well , I ran out of flour so I was only able to make a half batch for now , she did a great job icing .

Look how cute this mitten cookie turned out that Sophie did .

And Mason's here was not lacking any icing that is for sure , love the stripes.

I love these Christmas light shaped cookies , in my signature colours of course.

What shall we make today ?, more mittens , snowmen ,Christmas trees and snowflakes too and ornaments , I am going to make a big batch of royal icing and make a bunch of colours and let the girls create their own masterpieces .


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