Tuesday, December 21, 2010

something from nothing - decoration tutorial

The major quantities of snow we have here have caused problems - living in the bottom of a valley may be pretty, but in these icy conditions it has made it almost impossible to drive places and I STILL haven't got everything ready for Christmas H-E-L-P !!!

Today I rediscovered that necessity is the mother of invention.  I wanted to do a little more decorating before family arrives at the end of the week.   I couldn't get out to the shops to buy stuff so had to make do with what I found here.

Here without further ado is a (very) quick tutorial on some (very) easy door decorations.

First find a silver beech tree.  Cut a few of it's beautiful weeping branches and if necessary let them dry out.

If you have silver paint for this bit, it's ideal.  Being unable to get out to the shops etc etc, I made do with some white paint and some glitter.  I found it looked prettier if I used very little paint and left alot of the natural branch colour showing.  While the paint was still wet, my willing helper (thank you young man!)  scattered glitter all over the whole kitchen    the painted branches.

While all of this dried properly (and the person who shall remain nameless swept up!)  I grabbed a hammer and thumped a couple of nails into the top ledge of the door frame.  This only makes small holes and they will never be seen.  Now I simply draped the branches over the doorway, using the nails to keep everything in place.  Once the branches were set as I wanted them I attached a few tiny pearl and silver wired baubles, left overs from past years decorating!

Et voila!  Instant decoration for zero cost, and very little time.

I was so pleased with the effect that having done this door in the dining room, I went on and applied the same treatment to two doorways in the entrance hall.

Thank you so much for all the amazing comments on my pictures in the last post.
Several people used the word "magical", but the real magic for me comes from the
warmth and spontaneity of your wonderful contributions to my blog.
Merci beaucoup mes amis.


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