Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Past

As I am planning our Christmas eve gathering with my siblings that live near by which is my two brothers and their families and my Mother and her husband I can't help but look back , we gather Christmas eve and visit and eat and drink, we always have this at my house which I love to do , I make snacks and treats and sweets and my Mom and Lawrence make Oprah's pomtini's , what a nice treat to look forward to , because of Sophie's allergies I don't ask anyone to bring any food typically to allow Sophie to eat everything and to feel safe and I like making the food myself anyway but I try to take a fresh approach every year to keep things interesting , no fun doing the same old same , I guess some people enjoy that but its not my thing.

These first two pictures are from Christmas 2007 look how small the girls are , this was a big Webkinz Christmas , we actually had the tree in our bedroom that year, we had just got Moe and I didn't want him to eat the tree so it was safer up there , boy was that nice spending Christmas morning in our bed .

This is from Christmas 2008 , I can't explain the sundress we live in Ontario ...?

And this was last year I can't help but notice how things change in in a mere 365 days , Mason is
is now the same height I am and she has really matured this year I will have to take another pic like this this year too .

Sophie and I are trying to come up with the best menu , so far we will be making a big spinach artichoke dip , wedding soup , mini meatball panini's, kielbasa and cheese tray , deviled eggs , punch , sugar cookies , home made butter tarts and maybe a newel log cake try something new?
That was a good lemon cake ....hmmm

Gotta have deviled egg, what do you love to have at a gathering ? please share your treats


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