Friday, March 25, 2011

a good phone call

Yesterday evening I received a phone call that made my heart beat just a little faster.  A lady had heard from  a friend  that an English woman (me!) might be interested in old house linen.....  Would I mind stopping by to take a look?.... Would I mind ?!!  Wild horses couldn't keep me away!

So this morning, after rather unceremoniously dumping the children outside their respective schools, "bye darling, have a good day", I put my foot down on the accelerator, and clutching the ladies instructions for finding the house, set off on my adventure.

It was a beautiful morning and a lovely drive, past sheep, well OK a sheep, through pretty sun-speckled woods until finally I found the address.

The lady was emptying the house ready for sale.  She had no emotional attachment to the property and zero interest in the contents - just kept encouraging me to help myself!

Antique dealers had already been in for furniture and books, most of the rooms in the house were completely empty.  Madame steered me into a small salon beside the kitchen, filled with boxes, crates and a few small tables and chairs.

To begin with I thought that all the boxes were full of linen, but in fact most of the stuff left was crockery and kitchen equipment, none of which I wanted.

The linen she had called me out for, was already neatly folded and  appropriately piled up in two large laundry baskets.  So I did my shopping and came away with the linen,  some embroidery revues, the two beautiful old baskets and a sweet chair.  The chair and the baskets are for me, but the linen will go into the shop.

 I'm afraid I didn't take my camera inside,  but here are the pictures of the booty I brought back with me.

don't you love the detail on the chair?

Most of the bed linen is cotton sheets, with various monograms and different sizes.


These embroidery revues are great, showing how to create the  monograms. 
I think they'd look wonderful framed.

There are also a load of 'traversin' or bolster cases, like the embroidered one below.  I had forgotten how elegant a bolster can be.  I shall dig out my old bolsters and start using them again, especially in the guest cottage. They'll add a very French touch.  Some of the  bolster shams are plain, some finished with lace and ready to be tightened with a pretty ribbon at each end.

A most enjoyable day and a good phone call!


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