Thursday, March 10, 2011

may I correct that?!

Do you ever listen to the news and shake your head in disbelief at the ways of  the world.  Do you sometimes take one step back and think "if that was put into a film, it wouldn't be credible!"

A bright and well connected Hong Kong business man has a new website, but to me it's one of those "you must be kidding" ideas.  icorrect  is a platform for celebs to correct all the rubbish that is printed about them in the media and on social networks.  Of course if the media and networks weren't interested in printing the rubbish then the celebs wouldn't be celebs, but I don't think you're meant to say that.

Say, I'm a celeb, which I never will be nor want to be, and someone says "Hey, Sharon at My French Country Home spends all her money on anti-wrinkle cream!" or something equally fascinating.   I can pay Mr Hong Kong for the privilege of having a public place to say "actually that's not true, I  just don't have any wrinkles" ....(!!!!!),  and for that privilege he would charge me $1.000 ... per year.   A bargain.

Oh dear, stop the world, I want to get off!


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