Sunday, July 17, 2011

bathroom inspiration

I seemed to have made a rash promise to the children to  redo their  bathroom  -  a foolish act born of good intentions and an unrealistic appreciation of time available  ......

Maybe I can gain time if I give them plenty to think about, to mull over and debate!   How do you think they'd receive these ideas?

I'm fascinated by how much 'stuff' has been fitted into this room, there is a shower, a wash basin, a bath and a fireplace all in a fairly small room.  The trick has been to position the bath in the centre of the space.   I may consider this sort of option  ...

This one ..... no you're right, not even in my wildest dreams would teenage kids want this

I'm liking the clean lines of this room and the empty spaces that feel calming ..

yellow walls, a monogrammed shower curtain, no ... right again,  I'm not even going there ..

And this one, well I don't think it's going to get them excited, but this is actually the 
option I prefer because it reminds me of some of my favourite houses.  
Calm, low key, nothing showy but spacious and soothing.

Most likely they like none of the above, but then we'll have to go back to the
drawing board and I'll be off the hook until September !  Calculating? moi?  nooooo!

What style would you propose to a bunch of teenagers? 
  Any suggestions welcome!

All pictures with grateful thanks to Mires Paris


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