Monday, July 25, 2011

sunday loot shoot and a grain sack giveaway!

A giveaway just for the fun of it and because I've been lucky enough
to find a stash of grain sacks recently!
There's no fun in finds like that if they can't be shared!

After the give away you can ready about my Sunday loot shoot.

A great grain sack with bold letters and logo  is up for grabs.  To enter the giveaway just tell me you're a follower.  To enter twice, talk about the giveaway on twitter, facebook or your blog, come back and tell me and you enter again !

Here is my Sunday loot shoot, a nice fair, a bit wet with rain, but still worth going for.  My favourite finds were the soup dish for flower arrangements, the chic dish cloths, the sheets (of course!) and the old French postal bags.  Oh yes, and I really like the tiny glasses, I love to use these as individual vases, they look great lined up down the middle of a summer table scape.

If there's anything here you'd like to buy but don't find in the store, send me an email.

Wishing you luck in the giveaway, the draw will take place in a week's time.
Have a happy sunny Sunday!


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