Friday, August 26, 2011

playtime in France

How many hours can be whiled away with a game of boules or petanque?  Played by all generations in every corner of France, taken seriously, played for fun, it rarely fails to please.

Of course it helps if you can play on a perfect boules ground with the finest sand and gravel, surrounded by stone walls, ivy and the sound of cigales, but failing that a regular gravel drive works well too.  We have had memorable boules evenings here, with teams, trophies, champagne and a lot of loud French discussion over winning points.

If you've never played,  you may enjoy this light hearted extract from Le Gendarme de St Tropez.

It helps to have a minimum ability to aim, and if you get to a good level you can start flourishing your arms and using key phrases such "je pointe ou je tire?"  ("do I roll up to it, or do I shoot it out of the picture?").

Whichever way you play, whatever your style, it is a simple game needing a minimum of inexpensive equipment that guarantees an instant French moment !!

Vive la pétanque!


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