Thursday, September 29, 2011

falling in love again

I have always loved the used of stone, brick and flint stone in the traditional Normandy buildings but I haven't often seen such a beautiful example as this little château, currently up for sale.

This place must have been designed by a man in love and full of bubbling enthusiasm and admiration for the woman he adored !!  He made this château as pretty as possible with intricate designs in the brick work, a multitude of fancy  windows on the roof, carved stonework and a couple of asymmetrical towers, just for fun!

This black and white diamond design, is created using specially cut and split flint stones for the black, and local stone for the grey - the château may be 16th century, this sort of detail is still fashionable today! 

To create beautiful hand carved stonework like this over the main entrance, he would have employed the nomad craftsmen called 'les compagnons de France', who travelled around the country selling their expertise as they went.

In case I've got you dreaming, you might like to know that this pearl is up for sale for just under 800.000 euros.  It has 8 bedrooms and 10 hectares of land.  A beautiful family size château, I am totally under it's charm!  Inside there are fantastic fireplaces, wood clad walls and original window panes, I believe that  major restoration is required.

I love this monochromatic portrait,, framed by stunning stucco leaves and fruit, and more pretty patterns in the brick and stone walls.

Any takers?  I'd love to come and visit if you do buy it!


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