Friday, January 14, 2011

The Advocate: Gayest Cities in America

In my opinion, they for it way off!

The Advocate's second annual unscientific [VERY UNSCIENTIFIC] exploration of the gayest cities in the U.S. finds Minneapolis besting some renowned LGBT hot spots such as San Francisco and New York to earn the top spot. Among the criteria used by the magazine is the number of openly LGBT public officials.

I won't make you click through each page to see the list. Here they are:

1. Minneapolis
2. Santa Fe, NM
3. Las Vegas
4. Orlando, FL
5. Pittsburgh
6. Vancouver, WA
7. Atlanta
8. Washinton, DC
9. Seattle
10. St Louis
11. San Francisco
12. Cleveland
13. Denver
14. Oakland, CA
15. Miami

Gayest Cities in America

There’s never been a census of the gay and lesbian population, so it’s up to us. Welcome to The Advocate’s second annual look at our country’s queerest burgs.


Gay issues have never been more of a lightning rod. Pop culture has never been so gleefully gay. And politicians have never been more gay-accepting — or at least gay-aware. But no matter how visible LGBT people seem to be, there are some folks who still think we all live in Chelsea, West Hollywood, and the Castro. But, of course, that’s far from the case.

Using a completely unscientific — but still strangely accurate — statistical equation, The Advocate has come up with a diverse and surprising list of where gay people are living, loving, voting, and creating communities. This list demonstrates that the homosexual agenda is spreading across the 50 states — from Washington, D.C., to Vancouver, Wash. — and especially, it seems, in the heartland. Like it or not, America, LGBT is more a part of the USA than ever before.


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