Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Giveaway Day Number 3

I'm very excited about today's giveaway which is sponsored by  Lush Designs.  I first discovered these girls, Maria and Marie,  when my husband received an apron of theirs as a Christmas gift! 

I adore their new lampshades depicting hunting scenes , available in several colour ways.

They do so many fun things, clocks, lampshades, greeting cards and of course their famous LO-VE pillows.

For the giveaway they are offering one lucky reader the chance to win a great cotton shopping bag, printed in their popular wild boar motif.  This is very appropriate for my blog, since the wild boar that inspired the design was encountered in France!!

To enter this giveaway it's easy: just pop over to their blog Lush Designs, become a follower,
if you're not already, then come back and tell me.  
For a second chance, (and a separate entry please!), take a stroll around the Lush Design store, then
 come back  and tell me which of their items you like best.  (I have two real favourites,)
Finally you can have one more entry if you post or tweet about this, or if you put
up my giveaway button
- separate entries for everything please!

The winners of all of this week's giveaways will be pulled out of a hat on Friday 4 February.
Good luck in this draw!  If you missed Monday's painting or Tuesday's book ends giveaway you're most welcome to scroll back and  join in.  Coming tomorrow another amazing giveaway,  number 4.


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