Tuesday, January 25, 2011

All Sides with Ann Fisher : 11:00 AM - Intolerant Ohio? and How Ohio Welcomes Gays

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My comments begin near 24:00

The Daily Beast ranked Ohio as one of the least tolerant states on gay rights. We’ll talk about how Ohio compares to other states as welcoming or not welcoming to gays, with Daily Beast Reporter Lauren Streib, Outlook Media Co-Publisher Michael Daniels, Real Living HER Founding Partner/Realtor Terry Penrod, and Family Policy Network Policy Analyst Alexander Mason.

A link to this video is here

Related Items

Daily Beast: Ranking States by Tolerance

Ohio's Rank: 46 (out of 50)
Tolerance score: 40 out of 100
Hate crime score: 15 out of 40
Discrimination score: 16 out of 40
Gay rights score: 1 out of 10
Religious Tolerance score: 8 out of 10
Hate crime incidents per 100,000 residents: 3.1 (33 out of 50 states)
Discrimination cases filed per 100,000 residents: 24.2 (44 out of 50 states)
Population in support of same-sex marriage: 45%
Population that believes many religions lead to eternal life: 76%

Outlook Media: Ohio's Gay Magazine & Media

The Daily Beast: Columbus is the 16th Gayest City in the U.S.


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