Monday, January 31, 2011

new brocante season - french linen bedsheets

I can feel my pulse beginning to race a little faster as the new brocante season looms larger on the horizon.  The auctions have picked up speed and the brocante fairs will kick off again this Sunday - BBRRR!!!   The negative temperatures are going to make it hard to get out of bed early but I'll do my best.

This season I'm definitely going to be on the look out for more bed linen.  Nothing beats the pleasure of slipping into these smooth heavy linen sheets.   This one is on my bed this week and I love it.  The open embroidery work looks great against the dark bed cover.

Some people get worried about using these.  I can see no point in having them folded up in a cupboard, they have to be seen, indeed they were made to be enjoyed.  I wash all my vintage sheets in the machine, and press them with a mangle iron.


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