Tuesday, January 18, 2011

stylish blogging?

In the past week I have been lucky enough to be chosen by two special bloggers to receive the Stylish Blogger Award.  I am very flattered, and very lucky.

A huge thank you to Colette, who writes the lovely blog La Brocanteuse and makes me want to visit her beautiful part of the world in South Africa.  As the name of her blog suggests, Colette loves to hunt and collect antiques, and takes part in some great antique fairs near her each year. I think my favourite shots from her blog are those of her stunning beach house. 

The second blog to give me the award is Jeanne at the new and delightful I Dream Of.
Jeanne works in fashion,  loves art and has all the qualities required to deliver a fantastic blog.  She only just started so to her go my best wishes for a fun filled blogging future.

Without more ado, to accept this award I have to reveal 7 things about myself.  Here are 7 facts, totally random, totally true and totally irrelevant to anything else:

1  -  I wish I were more photogenic
2  -  I adore baking for high teas
3  -  I wish I were a better horse rider
4  -  I still haven't learnt to hold my tongue and not be too outspoken
5  -  I hate am positively allergic to administrative paperwork
6  -  I'd love to spend more time painting, even take some lessons
7  -  If I'm worried about something,  it gets to me at about 3.am


I now have the happy task of passing this award on to ten other of my favourite blogs.  The problem is that there are too many blogs out there that I adore.  Here are 10 great bloggers, but believe me to name 50 would have been as easy.
Debra at 5th and State for her timely reminders about doing more with my home and garden;
Pamela at FromThe House of Edward whose fine writing always causes me to slow down a bit and listen;
Suzanne at Old Grey Mare, for her stylish spirit and her ambitious and intelligent Genesis project;
Yvonne at Fraulein Klein, for her breathtaking photos  and whose writing does great good to my rusty German;
Debra at Acquired Objects for her sound advice, her energy and her reliable taste;
Stephanie at La Dolce Vita for the kindness of her comments and her excellent new year resolutions about learning French and painting;
Sande at A Gift Wrapped Life whose wonderful packaging I never fail to think of every time I stand back and look at my pathetic attempts to wrap a present;
Francesca at Passionedeco  for her total italian-ness, her candour, her gentleness;
Lana at Lanalou for the girliness in her blog that I would love to be capable of;
and Anna at Absolutely Beautiful Things for the beauty in her blog, and for her kindness towards those around her in Queensland who have suffered in the floods.  We all need to visit her in the coming days to read her suggestions on how we can help.

Oh dear, I know I'm going to wake in the middle of the night and think "Why didn't I include ......." but rules are rules, and for once I stick to them.  Talking of which here are the rules for my chosen blogs to follow, let's see how disciplined they'll be!

Receive the award, say thank you,  reveal 7 things about yourself, pass it on to 10 favourite and stylish bloggers!

Vive les blogs!


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