Monday, February 14, 2011

appreciating lichen

The Spring air has got to me and I am paint-happy!  I have great plans for my hall, the guest cottage, the shutters on the office and now ... our gate.
The only thing that caused me to hesitate over the gate is the lichen.  Stupid I know, but  I do love the colours and texture of lichen.  However I shall be brave and grown-up over the whole thing, and shortly I shall reach for the paint pot, probably dark grey, probably mat.

 I like the lichen, in my books it adds character,

but I know it would look far better maintained without ;

 it could look like this beauty on a friend's house, freshly painted last summer;

so it's good bye to old and shabby ..... for now at least because

you know what, the lichen will grow back!


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