Thursday, February 17, 2011

struggling with fb - aaargh

I am so sorry to be rather pathetic, but I am sitting at my desk struggling to understand the (for me dreaded) facebook.

Why do I have such hostile feelings towards this site that most of the world's population, including, many of you,  adores?   I guess it's just the mother in me, who has always been worried by my children divulging too much of themselves on fb.  In actual fact of course, they are more worldly wise than I care to admit and certainly are a lot quicker than me to catch on to how the d..... thing works!!

I hope to start the page today but, in the meantime, if any of you have your story of fighting with fb that you'd like to share, or if you simply want to tell me to grow up and get my act together, feel free.  I need encouraging and I need convincing.

I would also love it if some of you came over to say hello!!

Thank you all !!  XOXO


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