Tuesday, February 15, 2011

finding your way around Paris

Did you ever arrive in Paris, with only a few days to spare and think "I wish someone could just show me where to go, and what are the best things to do".  If so,  then Mimi is your girl!

Many of you will know Mimi from her beautiful blog Bonjour Romance, and her very special e-magazine Belle Inspiration.  Not everyone however knows that she has launched a travel company called Paris Travel Group and is now offering Parisian getaways specially geared for bloggers!

Mimi is based in Paris and has created guidebooks, personalised itineraries and private tours.  We have some friends coming to Paris this Spring, I wanted to know more so I asked her a few questions.

Hi Mimi, thank you coming over today.  What first gave you the idea of offering to guide people in Paris?  Well, Sharon after moving to Paris I found myself planning many excursions for family and friends who were visiting for the first time...  I also had alot of business contacts from the US who asked me to create personalised itineraries for their employees and clients while they were in town for conferences and business meetings.  It just kind of evolved.   
Who are you aiming to attract with your tours?  
Our tours are perfect for a couple or for a group of blogger friends wanting to explore all the fascinating rues and boutiques of Paris.  I can help plan an independent excursion or personally greet people and show them around the sights.  The fact that it's aimed at bloggers makes it especially exciting, enjoying all things French together!


Do you limit the numbers in your groups?  Yes I do.  The average size for our private tours is usually 4 people, with a maximum of 6.   I feel it is important to keeping to keep the  group small, and feel like a group of friends exploring together

 I see you offer a concierge service, how popular is that?  It is very popular - for first timers as well as repeat visitors.  It is a fantastic way to keep updated on the latest happening, special exhibitions, etc. You can easily access all that you want to do without pouring over outdated info.  

Your guide books are a great idea, especially the tailor made one, how did you come up with this idea?   Travellers want an insider's view of Paris; how to get around easily, discovering unique boutiques and areas that many visitors miss.  Out tailor made itineraries are created and designed exclusively for them, based on what they want to do and see.   They are in total control of their holiday experience, and we try to make it easy!
What to you is the most romantic place in Paris?   How much time do we have?   My husband and I  really like walking together.  The Allée des Cygnes is a little island in the middle of the Seine - not usually very crowded and is a pleasant spot to watch the boats glide past.  Can I add another?  The Garden of the Musée Rodin is quite lovely, and a perfect way to spend an afternoon with your Honey. 
Finally Mimi, an impossible question!  If someone just has one day in Paris, what is your five point check list of things you must do!? OK here we go!.  Just start walking.  Seriously, Paris is a walker's city.  You will come across something new and surprising at every turn.  When you're ready for a break, duck into a café, find a good spot and enjoy the scenery.   2.  If you have time, head for the Musée d'Orsay to view the marvellous collection of Impressionists and treat yourself to lunch in their beautiful dining room.   3.  Head back for a relaxing walk along the Seine toward the Eiffel Tower.  Since time is limited, grab a taxi.  You probably won't have time to go up, but you must see it.   4.  You can board one of the boats at the foot of the Tower for a relaxing ride down the river.  5.  If this is your first time in Paris, definitely climb on one of the Hop on Hop off bus tours.  There is a stop right at the Eiffel Tower.  Sounds corny, but a seat on the top deck of L'Open bus tour is truly the best way to see all the main sights in about 2-2.5 hours.  

I think there'll be many people reading this who could be interested in using Mimi's services.   You'll see when you contact her that she is warm and friendly - everything a good guide should be!


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