Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Mighty Growth of the Word

Act 19:20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.

Is not what we want, the prevalence of the Word of the Lord? Our commission from Jesus demands that we find platforms to get the gospel to the ends of the earth, without neglecting our area. Do we find a pattern in Acts which we might follow so that the Word of God might grow mightily in our communities as it did in Ephesus?

Here is what we observe here in Acts 19:

1. The believers had become disciples, that is pupils of the Lord. vs 1
2. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. 6
3. They spake boldly and persuasively for the Lord. 8
4. They didn't give up. 10
5. The Christians publically gave up and renounced their evil ways. 19

I believe these things are basic to God working mightily among us.


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