Friday, February 11, 2011

feeling considerably younger!

One thing has led to another this week, and I've had some fun.  It all started because I was asked to supply a photo of myself, it was to be printed .  UGH!  I am very camera shy, I have a special gift for ruining any photo I appear in ... panic set in.

Next step was some input from my daughter, who told me about enhancing photos of  ordinary models to make them look stunning (and make us feel inferior!).

2 + 2 = 4 in my book.

I started googling photo enhancement tools, I knew I wanted something that was easy and quick to use, it's not like I'm going to make a career out of this.  Very quickly I was on a roll!  I did a trial run on a couple of softwares then bought a reasonably priced download called Portrait Professional from Anthropics.

I thought you might be like me, hoarding photos on your computer, thinking "If I could make that look a little more flattering I might frame it".  

Here  is what I managed to do.  I tried it out on a beautiful lady who really doesn't need any help from me, but hey, if I can improve Carla's looks , then  just think what I'd be able to do for myself!

Here is my before and after, not saying it's perfect, it was after all  my first try, but you can see  I enhanced her skin texture, narrowed her face a little, brightened her eyes and slightly lengthened her neck.

Feeling brave I had another go.  The poor girl looks dreadful in this shot, and I suspect that it was taken by a journalist holding a grudge, anyway, not to worry, help was at hand! 

I found that you have to be careful not to make the photo look like a warning against cosmetic surgery, but if you know when to stop it's really a very useful tool.  Super easy to use, and extremely rapid.  They supply a manual that can be downloaded separately, I found I didn't need it.

If you want to do a trial run for Free, just click here.

Finally, there is no way I'm showing you the before and after for myself, I am far too vain.  Suffice it to say I needed more attention than Carla!  I'll just give you this small version of the photo I am now prepared to let go to print.  Thank you  Anthropics!

 And look how cool is this! - the nice people at Anthropics enjoyed this post and are offering my readers a 10% discount on their Portrait Professional software - just key in this code  RJ5864.

Merci encore!


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