Tuesday, January 31, 2012

19th century French floor tiles

  In most of the old houses around here if you let your gaze drop to the ground, you'll find that you are standing on an old 19th century decorative tiled floor.   These tiles are tough enough to resist to most conditions, and  even when walls need re-plastering or the actual floor level has moved, the tiles can be retrieved and relaid straight.

Typically the decorative tiles were laid as a 'rug' to echo the shape of the room.  A border around the edge.  Today it is possible to find complete 'rugs' of tiles for sale in the most beautiful colours.

It is not unusual in the old houses like ours, to find a decorative pattern used in the entrance hall and the kitchen with wooden parquet, or brick red tomettes laid in the adjacent living and dining areas.

I love the subtle colours of the floors, they seem to bring warmth and whimsy to today's neutral tones.  In the  bathroom below 19th century tiles have been reworked as a the wall on a walk in shower.  Gorgeous yellow with the grey woodwork

Of course some tile patterns are more intricate than others, some designed to impress others to comfort (those things never change!), but to me it's a bonus to find an old house that still has this decorative floor pattern intact.

PS  If you haven't entered yet, don't forget the fantastic Diane James Home giveaway, 2 days to go!


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