Friday, January 20, 2012

snow , static and packing boxes

 Well we finally got a good dumping of snow . I have no magical warm feelings of snow like some people. I do not enjoy being cold  or bundling up and static hair is just a nightmare. But it does look pretty in the backyard and the bunkie looks down right adorable. A perfect unblemished blanket since our dogs no longer use the backyard . I look forward to settling into the new house and getting a fence put up as soon as is possible all this dog walking is a bit insane.
 I have given in to the packing , there is no way to hide it . I figure there is no time like the present to get everything organized and if possible packed . It will be like Christmas when I open some of these boxes.
 The more cupboards that look like this the more peaceful I feel and the shorter the to do list is ahead of me.
 There is no time like moving to get rid of junk and to organize your life. I finally have a place for all my little bits and pieces , how did I survive without this ? Its kinda funny before we listed I thought I cleaned and de-cluttered , and then when I started packing boxes I realized I only had just scratched the surface. How do people live without basements? you must have to be really disciplined.
 I have been scouting for lighting , I have quite a few actually that I can not wait to see installed but there are plenty still to find. For me lighting is so important , it can really make a room , I don't want run of the mill. I love love love lanterns but most nice lanterns are in the $200-$500 range , that is not what I want to spent.I happened upon these lanterns at Homesense the other day. The spring pieces are coming in you know!! any how they were light grey and pretty as they were but I thought they would just wash out and get lost. They were not electrified , but I thought that would be easy enough , and they were. I then decided to darken them up , but I didn't want to use spray paint, sometimes the finish looks very spray painted , not what I was looking for . I decided to try artists oils paint , it was perfect , only problem is it takes a long time to dry , like 12 days of more. I have the time. It was so nice to do a project and something creative.
 I have been ordering fabric for the girls rooms , I love this lilac chain pattern its so pretty. From Tonic Living.
I was over the moon when I came across this light today at Lowe's , it is so nice and substantial and only $26.00 , amazing , it will be installed in the coat closet in the foyer and one in the  master closet .

So we're getting there 40 more days and we all know that time will fly by . The new house sits sadly empty almost complete , we can not wait to get in there and make it our home.
I realized the other day that I will likely have to set up a temporary kitchen in our laundry room while I install our floors in the kitchen , oh my !!! this will be quite an adventure.

Thanks for stopping by .


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